What does the title Tirana European Youth Capital 2022 symbolize?
The European Youth Capital is a title given by European Youth Forum EYF, created to empower young
people, to incite participation of young people in society and to strengthen the European identity.
Every year, a european city is given the chance to express their ideas, projects and innovative activities
that aim to empower the young voices and bring e new youth perspective in each and every aspect of
the city life.
For more information about this title and European Youth Forum, you can check this link:
How did the title come to Tirana?
In 2018, after several months of reflecting and concerting meetings, National Youth Congress decided to reach the Municipality of Tirana as the responsible institution for local governance of Tirana to build a cooperation bridge in order to apply for this title.
The National Youth Congress is an umbrella type of organization for organizations, informal groups, partisan youth forums, with representative group of more than 120 entities, with the goal of information exchange, youth matters concerns and their unfolding, advocating and lobbying in order to resolve these matters and growing capacities for each and every entity that is part of this network.
After a journey that lasted more than a year, the work group of National Youth Congress, in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana, was able to build a fully detailed and highly ambitious project-program, which was values from the jury of EYF as the winning application, enabling this way the title given to Tirana as a European Youth Capital for 2022.
The common work of National Youth Congress and the Municipality of Tirana was awarded due to the focus on the youth and the program that aims to bring a youth perspective in every aspect of the city life.
Tirana was announced European Youth Capital in 2019, in Amiens, France, and the official relay of this title was received in 17 December 2021 in Klaipeda, Lithuania during the closing ceremony of Klaipeda- European Youth Capital 2021..