Hackathon per te rinjte mbi 16 vjecĀ <span class="EOP SCXW133965065 BCX0" data-ccp-props="{
Hackathon per te rinjte mbi 16 vjecĀ <span class="EOP SCXW133965065 BCX0" data-ccp-props="{
Bora Lako mbulon pozicionin PĆ«rgjegjĆ«se e Granteve nĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« āTirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« 2022ā, zbatuar nga Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar nĆ« bashkĆ«punim me BashkinĆ« TiranĆ«.
Znj. Lako ka njƫ profil administrativ e financiar dhe ka njƫ eksperiencƫ tƫ konsiderueshme nƫ ciklin e menaxhimit tƫ projekteve. Gjatƫ eksperiencƫs sƫ saj ka mbajtur pozicione tƫ ndryshme nƫ disa organizata, ku ƫshtƫ marrƫ me aspekte administrative e procedurale gjatƫ zbatimit tƫ disa projekteve kulturore, sociale dhe infrastrukturore, pƫrgjithƫsisht referuar sektorit tƫ kulturƫs dhe arsimit.
Bora Lako covers the position of Responsible for Grants within the “Tirana European Capital of Youth 2022”, implemented by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana.
Ms. Lako has an administrative and financial profile and has considerable experience in the project management cycle. During her experience, she held various positions in several organizations, where she dealt with administrative and procedural aspects during the implementation of several cultural, social and infrastructural projects, generally referring to the culture and education sector.
Koordinator Programi āRinia dhe Diversitetiā, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Dritan Sakuta Ć«shtĆ« koordinator pĆ«r RininĆ« dhe Diversitetin nĆ« pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«. NĆ« vitet 2017 ā 2018, ai ka mbajtur gjithashtu rolin e Presidentit pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar.Ā
Veprimtaria e tij ka nisur nĆ« vitet 2015, fillimisht si vullnetar nĆ« OrganizatĆ«n LIBURNETIK e mĆ« pas nĆ« fushĆ«n e menaxhimit tĆ« projekteve dhe tĆ« programeve tĆ« ndryshme rinore. Sot ai Ć«shtĆ« gjithashtu anĆ«tar i KĆ«shillit KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShoqĆ«risĆ« Civile nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri.Ā
Dritani ka mbaruar studimet pƫr Jurisprudencƫ nƫ Universitetin Mesdhetar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ. Kjo fushƫ e ka ndihmuar qƫ tƫ thellohet mƫ shumƫ nƫ edukimin jo formal dhe tƫ Drejtat e Njeriut.
Ai ka qenƫ trajner nƫ njƫ numƫr tƫ konsiderueshƫm projektesh me fokus tƫ rinjtƫ dhe tematika aktuale tƫ cilat shqetƫsojnƫ sektorin e rinisƫ.
Eksperienca e tij me kƫto projekte pƫrfshin fusha si arti dhe kultura, kultura e debatit, tƫ Drejtat e Njeriut, bullizmi, shƫndeti mendor, shƫndeti seksual dhe riprodhues, vullnetarizmi e tƫ tjera.
Tƫ gjitha kƫto projekte kanƫ krijuar mundƫsinƫ qƫ Dritani tƫ jetƫ nƫ kontakt tƫ vazhdueshƫm me target grupe tƫ ndryshme tƫ rinjsh tƫ cilat e bƫjnƫ rolin e Koordinatorit pƫr Rininƫ dhe Diversitetin tƫ pƫrshtatshƫm pƫr tƫ.
Program Coordinator “Youth and Diversity”, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Dritan Sakuta is the coordinator for Youth and Diversity in the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. In the years 2017 – 2018, he also held the role of President at the National Youth Congress.
His activity started in 2015, initially as a volunteer in the LIBURNETIC Organization and then in the field of project management and various youth programs. Today he is also a member of the National Council of Civil Society in Albania.
Dritan graduated in Jurisprudence at the Mediterranean University of Albania. This area has helped to deepen more in non-formal education and Human Rights. He has coached a considerable number of youth-focused projects and current topics of concern to the youth sector.
His experience with these projects includes fields such as art and culture, culture of debate, Human Rights, bullying, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, volunteering and others. All these projects have created the opportunity for Dritan to be in constant contact with various target groups of young people which make the role of Coordinator for Youth and Diversity suitable for him.
Institute of Human Rights and non-formal Education
Institute of Human Rights and non-formal Education is a Non-profit Organization & Non-Government Organization, created by the will of a group of young professionals with many years of experience in the field of Human Rights and non-formal education. IHRE Albania started working as an informal group since 2018 and it was officially established in Tirana in October 2019. Our mission is to raise awareness, to promote and to develop human rights through studies, researches, seminars, conferences, workshops and training’s for youngerās with various topics that are affecting the reality of human rights in our country, through the assessment of different needs and the implementation of innovative ideas and projects.
Ana Gjoka ka pƫrfunduar studimet e nivelit Master Shkencor pƫr Studime Rajonale Politike dhe ato tƫ nivelit Bachelor pƫr Shkenca Politike.
Gjithashtu ƫshtƫ certifikuar nga Akademia Profesionale Elita, si analiste e politikave publike.
Aktualisht, ajo punon nƫ sektorin e Marrƫdhƫnieve me Publikun pranƫ Ministrit tƫ Shtetit pƫr Rininƫ dhe Fƫmijƫt nƫ Shqipƫri.
Angazhimin nƫ shoqƫrinƫ civile e ka nisur qysh nƫ moshƫn 15-vjeƧare, pranƫ Parlamentit Rinor Lezhƫ, mƫ pas nƫ grupin vullnetar tƫ World Vision, Youth Vision- Lezhƫ.
Kontributin pƫr rininƫ, Ana e ka vijuar edhe nƫ kryeqytetin e Shqipƫrisƫ, Tiranƫ, ku ka pƫrmbyllur gjashtƫ praktika profesionale nƫ: European Movement in Albania, Digitalb Bee, Western Balkans Fund, dhe tre tƫ tjera pranƫ Bashkisƫ Tiranƫ.
Gjithashtu ka ndjekur njƫ sƫrƫ trajnimesh, mbƫshtetur nga organizata ndƫrkombƫtare si: FES, KAS, NDI, MCW, Erasmus +, EMA, EMINS, World Vision UK etj., si dhe ka pƫrfaqƫsuar zƫrin e tƫ rinjve brenda dhe jashtƫ kufijve tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Aktualisht, Ana mban detyrĆ«n si presidente pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar, dhe njihet si themeluesja e grupit āYouth in Charge- Lezheā.
Ergys Gezka covers the position of the Program Manager for Tirana European Youth Capital 2022, implemented by National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality Of Tirana.
Mr Gezka has a managerial profile and during the last 12 years he has lead and coordinated a considerable number of national and regional projects, and experience that managed to engage him in different socio-cultural, infrastructural, cooperation and developmentĀ programs and projects in the area of education and youth development.
During his career, often finding himself in the role of consultant in different ministries and municipalities, in Italy and Albania, by knowing in the inside the dynamics of local and central governing and also in the sector of organizations of the civil society where he was noted for his inter-sectorial and coordinating abilities.
Mr. Gezka is also a good connoisseur of the process of European Integration and he has knowledge in the writing of European projects and gives constant contribution in the compilation and implementation of strategies and development of youth policies.
He completed his studies in Italy, in Language and Literature and Journalism and specialized in Poland and Belgium in developing and management of Human Resources. His desire to be close to the youth and civil society has been marked by his deepened experiences between Italy and Albania related to migration and collective remembrance.
Activity Management Coordinator, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth CongressĀ
Mario Kokonozi is the Coordinator of Activity Management in the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Mario studied Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Tirana. In 2019, with a full scholarship, he pursued a Master’s degree in Chinese Studies / International Relations at Zhejiang International University in China.
Mario is a very good connoisseur of foreign and youth policies. He has been involved in many national and international experiences and practices, most notably the Directorate General for Home Affairs of the European Parliament at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Mario is a youth activist and is engaged at the United Nations Youth Association Albania where he holds the role of co-director of the Projects department. He is also part of a program at the Civic Center where he monitors the work of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs as a policy analyst.
Logistics Assistant, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Reixhin Ademi is the Logistics Assistant for the Tirana European Capital of Youth (TEYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Reixhin worked in the field of Logistics at the University of Tirana, the Faculty of Foreign Languages āāand the University of Arts, her work consisting of assisting students in Erasmus Projects, translating programs of study from English / German to Albanian and vice versa, as well as in organizing various meetings / activities dedicated to students by facilitating the Logistics part.
Since 2019, Reixhin has been engaged in the field of Logistics in several institutions in Albania. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in German Language from the University of Tirana.
Event Coordinator, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Paula Mehmetukaj is the Event Coordinator for the Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Paula worked as a marketing manager, where she was officer for overseeing general and day-to-day marketing plans, as well as third-party relations manager.
Since 2019, Paula has been engaged in the field of management, innovation and marketing in various European organizations and projects. She holds a Master of Science in Business Administration specializing in international business.
Paula is also an activist in various social issues for the elderly, as well as the protection of the rights of women and children.
Volunteer Coordinator, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Glindxhet Madhi is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Tirana European Capital of Youth (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Glindxheti graduated in International Relations at the European University of Tirana where she has been part of several student exchange programs, including Erasmus + in Budapest, Hungary.
Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, he worked in the External and Public Relations department at the Transmission System Operator. Prior to this he was part-time part of the media team and activities at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare focusing mostly on setting up a group of volunteers. Glindxheti has voluntarily engaged in parliamentary debates as a debater and judge at the Institute of Social and Human Studies (ISSH).
During the student exchange in 2018 in Budapest, he did an internship at the Albanian Embassy in Hungary. Glindxhet is also an Alumni of the FES Political Academy. He is active in the public life of the city engaging in youth and political issues. He has been part of several trainings in Albania and abroad with a focus on regional cooperation or solving current problems from the perspective of young people.
Logistic Officer, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Maura Linadi graduated from the Faculty of “Natural Sciences”, Department of Informatics and is currently completing her MBA studies at New York University in Tirana.
She has extensive experience as a political activist. She has been an organizer of events for young people, has worked as a programmer for about 3 years, and since 2019 works as an IT specialist and also a councilor in the Municipal Council of Tirana.
She has recently been given the task of chairing the Women’s Alliance in the Tirana Municipal Council.
From an early age, she has been involved in activities with young people and is deeply connected to their cause. Experiences with young people and in the field of debate range from its involvement in innovation competitions with students of Tirana, in partnership with the Municipality of Tirana, career consulting with high school students, in political debate competitions, at the Political Academy with Youth and Socialist Forum and event organizer, representative of the Albanian Eurosocialist Youth in Europe IUSY, YES.
Maura is determined to advance her duties as chairwoman of the Women’s Alliance in the Tirana Municipal Council, giving her contribution.
Legal Officer, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Najada Merolli is the Legal Officer for the Tirana European Capital of Youth (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Najada worked since 2015 at the Transmission System Operator (OST) JSC, where she was a lawyer / expert at the Procurement Directorate.
She holds a Master’s degree in “Business Law”, as well as a second level degree integrated in law, Master of Science, at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, branch of Law.
Since 2013, she has won the title of Assistant / Lawyer from the National Chamber of Advocacy of Albania.
Najada has conducted a series of professional trainings in the field of harmonization of Albanian legislation with the European one, in the field of public procurement, as well as in civil and commercial law.
Executive Assistant, Tirana EYC, National Youth Congress
Lori Nikolla is the assistant for the Tirana European Capital of Youth EYC 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Prior to joining the EYC 2022 team, Lori served as an assistant in the Ministry of Education.
Since 2018, Lori has been engaged at the Ministry of Education in the cabinet of the Minister and then held the role of Assistant to the Deputy Minister.
She graduated in Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana.
Lori has excellent organizational skills and is constantly engaged with translations.
Pƫrgjegjƫs Administrativ dhe i Protokollit, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Juljana Gjokutaj Ć«shtĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Administrativ dhe i Protokollit pĆ«r programin āTirana ā European Youth Capital 2022ā (EYC) pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022 Juliana ka punuar nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e ShĆ«ndetĆ«sisĆ« dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale si dhe nĆ« ish MinistrinĆ« e MirĆ«qenies Sociale dhe RinisĆ«, nĆ« pozicionin e Asistentes sĆ« ZĆ«vendĆ«sministrit prej rreth 15 vitesh.Ā
Mƫ hershƫm Juliana ka qenƫ e angazhuar dhe si Koordinator Social pranƫ fshatit SOS e ngarkuar me organizimin e aktiviteteve krijuese dhe argƫtuese pƫr fƫmijƫ, si dhe rehabilitimin e tyre me jeten nƫ qendƫr dhe sigurimin e mbarƫvajtjes nƫ shkollƫ.
Ajo zotƫron studimet e larta nƫ Histori me profilizim nƫ arkivƫ.
Po ashtu Ć«shtĆ« e specializuar nĆ« evidentimin, klasifikimin e shĆ«rbimeve, ruajtjen e dokumentave si dhe automatizimin e arkivave.Ā
Juliana ka nƫ fokus tƫ interesave tƫ saj dhe advokimin pƫr grupet nƫ nevojƫ, personat me aftƫsi tƫ kufizuar dhe ofrimin e shƫrbimeve komunitare.
Finance Officer, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Juna Laci is in charge of Finance for the Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022 program, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Juna worked in the General Directorate of Public Works, Municipality of Tirana, where she was engaged in monitoring and reporting the different strategies of the respective enterprises, to increase the quality of maintenance services in the centers and social and educational institutions.
Since 2010, with her 7-year experience, Juna has been engaged in the field of Finance in various national companies or with international partners as well as in various NGOs.
He completed his higher studies at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics in 2010, Business Management branch. He then completed a Professional Postgraduate Master in Urban Development at POLIS University in collaboration with Erasmus University Netherlands, Housing and Land Development.
Finance Manager, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Hysen Zyberaj is Finance Manager in the Program “Tirana European Capital of Youth 2022” (EYC 2022), at the National Youth Congress of Albania. He graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Economics, profile Finance-Accounting and also holds a Master of Science in Policy and Administration – Financial Administration Profile, Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
Since 2006, he has worked in various private companies as an accountant and financial officer. In 2010 he was certified as a “Certified Accountant”, and since 2012 he has been a Certified Accountant at his job center.
He has also completed all the necessary training and obligations to obtain the title of “Legal Auditor”, and is currently in the process of obtaining this title. He has engaged in many trainings in the field of accounting and finance.
From January 2021 onwards, he is part of the Public Financial Inspectors in the Ministry of Finance – external expert.
Mariza Rama is the officer of research, monitoring and evaluation for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Mariza worked in the secretariat department of the National Youth Congress of Albania, where she was the coordinator of various projects focusing on youth and their integration in decision-making and local policies, as well as a local coordinator for the city of Kamza for about 2 years now.
Since 2016, Mariza has been engaged in civil society as an active part of the trainings focused on local and central policies, communication and research in various organizations and institutions in Albania and Italy.
She holds a Master of Science in Faculty of Law, focusing on Private Law and Business from the European University of Tirana.
Mariza is also part of the Friedrich Ebert Sitftung Tirana’s coaching staff for central and local policy.
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Tirana EYC, National Youth Congress
Dikensa Topi is the Monitoring and Valuation Manager (M&V) for the program āTirana ā European Youth Capital 2022ā (EYC) affiliated to National Youth Congress. Before becoming part of the team TEYC 2022 Dikensa worked in the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth where she held the positionĀ of Director of Politics and Strategies of Education Development of Education, Sports and Youth and the position of the Officer of Monitoring, Statistics and Feasibility of Priorities.
Earlier on the held the position of youth policies specialist in the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth (MSWY) where Dikensa was creator and founder of The National Program of Work Practices In Public Administration.
Since 2014, Dikensa has had a main focus on the development of the expertise in M&V field and has been and outside lector for five years in the University of Tirana.
She has a BA in Political Sciences and A Master of Science in Political Theories from the University of Tirana where she was awarded with a gold medal for exceptional results. She earned a Master of Science for āGerman and French Philosophy in the European Spaceā a common degree given by the University of Luxembourg, University of Toulouse II āLe Mirailā and the Catholic University of Leuven, supported with a scholarship Erasmus Mundus from European Commission.
Head of Social Networks, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth CongressĀ
Krista Shehaj is the Head of Social Networks for the Tirana European Capital of Youth (EYC) 2022 program. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Krista worked at the Council of Ministers as a lawyer and then at the Ministry of Diaspora, near the Albanian Development Fund.
Since 2019 Krista has worked as a consultant for social media and marketing strategies at two private companies.
Krista is also a judge and a member of the Technical Commission of the Albanian Taekwondo Federation.
She holds a Master of Criminal Science from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana and has completed specializations in the field of marketing and social media.
Krista is engaged in voluntary social activities for environmental protection as well as in the areas of European governance, human rights protection and environmental policies.
Officer for communications, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Eneida Daci is officer for communications in the department Of Public Relations and Marketing for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022 for National Youth Congress of Albania. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Eneida has worked for the Media and Communications Directory in the Municipality of Tirana, where she Sector Officer, Public Relations and Medias Relations officer,
Since 2013, Eneida has been engaged in the field of research and communication in different Medias and institutions in Albania.
She has a Master of Science in Leading and Media Management from the Faculty of History- Philology, University of Tirana and a B.A in Journalism and Communications from the same University.
Eneida has worked as a specialist and manager in different Medias in Albania, and she also coordinated for many years the biggest cultural event in the country āCult Awardsā
Marketing Officer, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth CongressĀ
Brisida Sula is Marketing Officer for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, for National Youth Congress of Albania. Before becoming part of the team EYC 2022, Brisida has worked from 2015-2921 as a specialist near the sector of programs and youth projects in the National Youth Agency.
During her seven years of work, Brisida has completed important duties and engagements which impacted the empowering and involvement of young people through programs, activities, trainings, workshops and youth conferences that took place not only on a national but also regional level, and also the implementation on the policies of the officer ministry for youth and the National Action Plan for Youth 2015 – 2020.
Brisida coordinated for more than four years the National Internship Program, which enables students just graduated from school benches not only to gain work experience at the public administration but also employment with one-year employment contracts at these institutions government.
Earlier during the years 2007-2011, Brisida worked at Top Albania Radio (TAR) as a news editor in the information office, website maintenance officer and was part of the coordination of a series of promotional campaigns for Top Albania Radio programs.Ā She completed her studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana, as a sociologist by profession, which she completed during her faculty period at various local and foreign non-governmental organizations.
Manager of Public Relations and Marketing, Tirana EYC2022, National Youth Congress
Dea Elmasllari is the Manager of Public Relations and Marketing for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC2022), for National Youth Congress. Before joining the team Tirana EYC 2022, Dea worked in the communications department in the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), where she was officer for the implementation of communication strategies and promotional activities for the Western Balkans region.
Since 2013, Dea has been engaged in the communication and research field in different organizations and institutions in Albania and Germany.
She is graded with a Master of Science in Politics, Economy and Philosophy from the University of Hamburg in Germany and has a B.A in Political Sciences and International Relationships from Epoca University in Albania, where she afterwards joined the department as a lecturer in Political Philosophy.
Dea is also an independent researcher in the fields of global governing, European politics, peace, security and youth. In 2022 she was awarded with the scholarship UNODA-OSBE for Peace and Security for young professionals.
International Relations Manager, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Irena Topalli is the Manager of International Relationships for the program EYC2022 near National Youth Congress in Albania.
With more than 17 years of experience in the civil society, Ira has held the position of the Program Manager in Beyond Barriers Organization, with a main focus in the development of work with young people, youth policies and strategic cooperation programs and projects with the Balkans and Europe.Ā
Over the years she has been an active part and has contributed to important national and international developments of improving youth policies, volunteering, working with young people, participation, cultural diversity, etc. Ira is also an expert on the Erasmus + Youth, Europe for Citizens and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programs and has been a member of the SALTO SEE Coaching and Accreditation Team for 9 years.
At the same time, Ira is an expert of the SEEYN regional network, where she previously held the position of President and member of the Board of Directors.
Ira studied Law and specializes as a trainer in human rights education. Over the years she has designed, led, managed and moderated more than 100 events, trainings and conferences for different institutions as the European Commission, Council of Europe, RYCO, OSBE, WBF, TACSO, FES, KCSF, etc.
Program Coordinator “Youth creates Culture”, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Jehona Varfi is the Coordinator for the program “Youth creates Culture” within the title Tirana European Youth Capital (TEYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
She has been part of the public administration in the field of project management for art, culture, cultural heritage and youth. Since 2010, Jehona has been part of the coordination of government policies in the field of youth with the programs of international organizations and donors, as well as various programs of European institutions and project management with donors.
She is a member and representative for Albania in the Steering Committee for Youth Policy of the Council of Europe, as well as a member of the Committee of Youth Programs of the Council of Europe. Within these functions, Jehona has also been the national coordinator of the “No to Hate Speech” campaign.
In terms of education, Jehona graduated in the field of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Prishtina and a master’s degree in “Folk Architecture of Himara”. He has also been awarded a scholarship from the University of Vienna, Austria for one semester.
In the field of cultural heritage, Jehona is the manager of virtual tours such as “Gjirokastra Castle” and “Rozafa Castle”.
Youth and Participation Program Coordinator, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Eris IbĆ«rshimi is the coordinator of the program “Youth and Participation”, for Tirana, the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania. Before joining the EYC 2022 team, Eris worked at the University of Elbasan “AleksandĆ«r Xhuvani” where he held the position of Specialist of the Scientific Bulletin.
Since 2000, Eris has worked in various positions, with national and international organizations, which have focused on working with young people. During her experience, she has worked closely with youth groups, public institutions, NGOs and various actors in order to advocate for the inclusion and participation of young people in social and political life. She has participated in the drafting of several policies in the field of education and defense.
Eris is also the co-author of several professional products on disability and youth as well as independent consultants and experts on various issues related to education and youth. Her professional experience is oriented and focused on the Education and Youth Sector
She has a degree in Language and Literature and has completed several courses on project management, leadership, community development, etc.
Program Coordinator “Youth and Eco – Health”, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Enkeleda Pjetri is the Coordinator of Youth Eco – Health for the program Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Enkeleda is a Forest Engineer and holds an International Master in Forest Policy and Economics and has also participated in a Leadership fellowship in the USA.
The profile he has formed in the last 15 years has seen him support important programs and projects at the regional level related to environmental issues and the green economy, as well as constantly engaged in civil society, as a participant and trainer in various formative, national, regional and international.
Her experience has started with civil society since 2009, and then from 2016 until recently in an international construction project implemented in our country, where she held the role of expert in monitoring social issues and relations with the community. stakeholders and then that of forest engineer in the management and supervision of reforestation projects
Program Coordinator “Youth and Youth Spaces”, Tirana EYC 2022, National Youth Congress
Bled Iljazi is a political strategist, community organizer, a very skilled internet entrepreneur and an activist with a wide range of experience abroad, from superior fundraising, organizing campaigns, media consulting to developing community projects, systems communication and human rights.
He has advocated through political lobbying or civil society organizations on issues related to corruption, public affairs, education reforms, electoral systems, labor rights, health care, climate change and immigration, as well as same-sex marriages. family planning and minorities.
It most often focuses on legislators or members of regulatory agencies in efforts to promote, hinder, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reforms to influence key decision-makers on critical issues.
Iljazi attended the Faculty of Law of the University of Tirana and graduated with honors in jurisprudence.
Communication Officer KRK, Program Coordinator “Young people are European”, Tirana EYC 2022
Shila Parllaku is the coordinator of the program “Young people are European” for Tirana, the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, at the National Youth Congress of Albania.
Since 2019, Shila has worked as a communications officer at the National Youth Congress and project coordinator in the 3-year program supported by the German Hanns Seidel Foundation.
For 3 years now, she has contributed to various youth projects and forums, where involvement has been mainly in projects with a focus; youth empowerment, the European dimension, the process of integration into the European Union, and capacity building in several contexts such as local, national, regional and European.
She studied Administration and Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana. Her work and experience have had a positive impact and contribution to the journey as a youth activist.
Research officer NYC, Program Coordinator āYouth Builds Capacitiesā ,Tirana EYC 2022
Enxhi Lipa is Program Coordinator of Youth Builds Capacities for Tirana European Youth Capital (EYC) 2022, for National Youth Congress of Albania.
Before joining the team EYC 2022, Enxhi has worked as a research officer and Project Coordinator for the National Youth Congress. She also worked as an independent researcher, trainer and outside expert related to matters of capacity building and growth of capacities for young people, women and girls prevenient from rural areas.
Lately Enxhi was chosen as a youth member of the common- led initiative of Western Balkans Youth Lab, a regional project supported by the Council of Regional Cooperation. She is also a member of the Group of Experts regarding this initiative.
Since 2015, Enxhi has been engaged in the civil society sector by contributing in an active manner in the bettering of youth policies in a local, national, regional and european level. She was part of different work practices in various state institutions with the goal of building of structured dialogue with policymakers and lobbying for the respecting of youth rights in the country
Enxhi earned a Bachelor Degree in Political Sciences and International Relationships from Epoka University in Albania. She also has been part on numerous specializations in the field of capacity building, scientific research, European integration, national and international project management and soft skills.
During the last three years, Enxhi has worked intensively on the issue of youth employment by engaging in several projects at local, national and regional level. She is the co-author of a series of strategic documents and scientific papers such as: Employment Plan in the Municipality of Tirana, Checklist for Youth Rights in the Workplace, Guide and Prism for Social Impact, Handbook “Young people as Agents of Change”, Toolkit WeMean Power: On Women socio-economic empowerment; Manual on Digital Tools for Civil Society Organizations etc. Enxhi is part of several national and international networks and has worked with a number of donors such as: FES, KAS, RYCO, PRISMA, Anna Lindh, Schuler Helfen Lieben, EU, OSCE, PONT and RYCE.
Policy Officer, KRK, Program Coordinator “Youth makes Creative Economy and Innovation”, Tirana EYC 2022
Klajdi Priska is Policy Officer at the National Youth Congress and Program Coordinator for the program “Youth makes creative economy and innovation”, within Tirana, the European Youth Capital 2022 at the National Youth Congress.
Mr. Priska has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and graduated in professional courses in economic and political sciences. He attended Humboldt University in Berlin and at the University of Tirana. Part of his education is also a series of informal lessons in the Erasmus + program along with seminars and other international conferences.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
He previously worked in the Albanian Parliament in cooperation with NDI, assisting MPs in administrative and public affairs. He was moderator for numerous foundations including UN agencies and has served as a project coordinator / assistant at international foundations. He has been part of youth policy-making groups and has acted as foreign relations coordinator in Albanian youth political forums. Throughout his career, he has been engaged in capacity building and has been a volunteer in Civil Society continuously and has worked with CSOs to promote their activities.
Currently Mr. Priska works as a Policy Officer in the National Youth Congress of Albania, organizing meetings of stakeholders, documenting and following important actions and decisions and developing project strategies as well as undertaking project tasks as needed, as well as maintaining and further developed international relations.
He also acts as the project coordinator for “Youth and Elections 2021 RinVote” later known as “RinON part of the RinVote Series” in close collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and EuroNeĆ«s Albania. At all times, the work is in line with personal, national and European values.
CEO- General Coordinator, Tirana EYC, National Youth Congress
Aspasjana Kongo holds the position of CEO ā General Coordinator of āTirana European Youth Capital 2022ā, since 15 November 2021. She has held earlier the position of Deputy Minister of Youth Matters in the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. Some of her duties included the developing of youth policies in a national rank. Her professional built has started in the civil society sector with a main focus on youth policies. Before her engagement in the governing sector, Ms Kongo was part of Youth Organizations.
She started her career in the public sector by working as a project coordinator in the Youth Center of Tirana affiliated to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth in 2015. From the February of 2016 and until her appointment as a Deputy Minister in MOESY in June 2020, she was part of the Municipality of Tirana as a Youth Director.
Ms.Kongo has a degree in Political Sciences, in bachelor level, and completed two Master degrees, one in Intercultural Communication and one in European Governing Politics. She also has more than ten years of experience as a developer of Youth Policies in Albania.
Dafina Peci ƫshtƫ Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ qƫ prej vitit 2016, ku mƫ herƫt, pƫr dy vite rradhazi, ka mbajtur pozicionin si presidente.
Dafina Ć«shtĆ« diplomuar me Bachelor nĆ« Shkenca Politike dhe MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare dhe Master Shkencor nĆ« PolitikĆ« Rajonale dhe Siguri. Pas diplomimit, ajo gjithashtu ka kryer njĆ« specializim nĆ« Institucionet e SigurisĆ« pas Konfliktit, NdĆ«rtimin e Paqes dhe NdĆ«rmjetĆ«simin.Ā
Prej vitit 2017, Dafina ƫshtƫ e angazhuar akademikisht si profesoreshƫ nƫ Departamentin e Shkencave Politike, Universiteti i Tiranƫs.
Njƫ nga hapat mƫ prominentƫ tƫ punƫs sƫ saj nƫ sektorin e rinisƫ ka qenƫ pƫrfshirja nƫ Grupin e Punƫs pƫr krijimin e Zyrƫs Rajonale pƫr Bashkƫpunim Rinor (RYCO) duke pƫrfaqƫsuar Shqipƫrinƫ pƫr rreth 3 vite nƫ Bordin Drejtues tƫ kƫsaj strukture dhe proceseve tƫ saj.
Dafina Peci is the Executive Director of National Youth Congress of Albania since 2016, where she earlier, for two years in a row, held the position of the president.
Dafina graduated with a bachelor degree in Political Sciences and International Relations and a Master of Sciences in Regional Politics and Safety. After her graduation, she also completed a post graduate practice in the Security after Conflict, Building Peace and Intermediation Institutions.
Since 2017, Dafina is academically engaged as a professor in the Department of Political Sciences in the University of Tirana.
One of the most prominent steps of her work in the youth sector has been her involvement in the Work Group for the creation of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) representing this way Albania for three years in the Directory Board of this structure and its
Engjell Gjugja ka lindur mƫ 1 dhjetor 1989 nƫ qytetin e Gjakovƫs, nƫ Republikƫn e Kosovƫs. Shkollƫn fillore dhe tƫ mesme i kreu nƫ qytetin e Gjakovƫs, ndƫrsa studimet universitare i kreu nƫ Universitetin Papal Salesian nƫ Romƫ, Fakulteti Filozofik.
Ka qenĆ« i angazhuar si profesor i FilozofisĆ«/EtikĆ«s nĆ« gjimnazin jopublik āMaria Ndihmtareā nĆ« ShkodĆ«r. DĆ«shira dhe pĆ«rkushtimi pĆ«r tĆ« punuar me tĆ« rinjtĆ« shĆ«rbeu si trampolinĆ« pĆ«r punĆ«simin e tij nĆ« organizata tĆ« ndryshme qĆ« realizuan projekte me fokus kĆ«tĆ« target grup.
Eksperienca brenda dhe jashtƫ vendit ndikoi nƫ pƫrmirƫsimin e shƫrbimeve tƫ institucioneve publike dhe jopublike nƫpƫrmjet risive qƫ krijuan njƫ klimƫ mikpritƫse pƫr tƫ rinjtƫ e qytetit.
Ka qenƫ kryetar i Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar dhe aktualisht punon nƫ Bashkinƫ Shkodƫr si Koordinator i Qendrƫs Rinore tƫ Atelie, nƫ administrimin e Bashkisƫ Shkodƫr.
Prej vitit 2018, Engjelli mban rolin e koordinatorit lokal tƫ Shkodrƫs, nƫ kuadƫr tƫ programit kushtuar politikave rinore nƫ nivel vendor prej tre vitesh tƫ zhvilluar nga Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar nƫ bashkƫpunim me Fondacionin Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tirana.
Gƫrdupi ƫshtƫ diplomuar me njƫ Master nƫ tƫ Drejtƫn e Shoqƫrive tƫ Informacionit nga Universiteti i Turkut nƫ Finlandƫ dhe njƫ Master nƫ tƫ Drejtƫ Biznesi tƫ Bashkimit Evropian nga Universiteti i Tiranƫs. Ai ƫshtƫ pranuar si avokat nƫ Dhomƫn e Avokatisƫ e Shqipƫrisƫ qƫ nga viti 2018.
Ili ka pĆ«rvojĆ« tĆ« konsiderueshme nĆ« shoqĆ«rinĆ« civile duke u aktivizuar nĆ« organizata tĆ« ndryshme rinore prej vitit 2007, dhe nĆ« vitin 2011 duke themeluar QendrĆ«n “Rrjeti i VullnĆ«tarĆ«ve ShqiptarĆ«”. NĆ« vitin 2015 ai u zgjodh anĆ«tar bordi i Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar dhe nĆ« vitin 2016 President i saj. Aktualisht Ili Ć«shtĆ« i punĆ«suar pranĆ« Vodafone Albania ndĆ«rsa mĆ« parĆ« ka qenĆ« i angazhuar me projekte qĆ« lidhen me ReformĆ«n nĆ« DrejtĆ«si pranĆ« njĆ« pĆ«rfaqĆ«sie diplomatike.
Gƫrdupi flet rrjedhshƫm gjuhƫn angleze dhe italiane.
Genci Kojdheli, ƫshtƫ Drejtori i Pƫrgjithshƫm i Integrimit, Planifikimit Strategjik dhe Zhvillimit Ekonomik nƫ Bashkinƫ e Tiranƫs, dhe ishte pjesƫ e skuadrƫs e cila shpuri Tiranƫn drejt Ƨmimit Kryqyteti Europian i Rinisƫ 2022.
Angazhimet e tij paraprake me administratƫn publike pƫrfshijnƫ pozicione me Ministrinƫ e Mirƫqenies Sociale dhe Rinisƫ dhe Ministrinƫ e Brendshme, ndƫrsa ka punuar me organizata ndƫrkombƫtare si World Vision, UNDP, Banka Botƫrore dhe OSBE. Genci ka njƫ BA nƫ Drejtƫsi dhe njƫ MA nƫ tƫ Drejtƫn Ndƫrkombƫtare dhe tƫ Drejtat e Njeriut, ndƫrsa ka pasur mbi 10 vite pƫrvojƫ mƫsimdhƫnie nƫ universitete tƫ ndryshme publike dhe private nƫ Tiranƫ, nƫ lƫndƫ si tƫ drejtat e njeriut, e drejta ndƫrkombƫtare e krahasuar, e drejta romake, historia e institucioneve, etj.
Znj. Mirela KoƧollari ka lindur nƫ 27 Shtator 1988. Prej vitit 2021 mban postin e Drejtoreshƫs sƫ Pƫrgjithshme tƫ Promovimit tƫ Qytetit nƫ Bashkinƫ Tiranƫ. Znj. KoƧollari ka pƫrfunduar studimet e larta tƫ nvelit master shkencor nƫ 2014 nƫ Universitetin e Bolonjƫs (Universita di Bologna) Itali, pƫr Arkeologji. Nƫ Prill tƫ 2021 merr titullin Doktor Shkencash ne Shkenca Historike e Arkeologjike, Kujtesa, Qyteterimi dhe Trashgimia, nƫ tƫ njƫjtin universitet.
Nga viti 2006-2015, zonja KoƧollari ka marrƫ pjesƫ nƫ disa misione arkeologjike ndƫrkombƫtare dhe kombƫtare rreth Shqipƫrisƫ, qƫ studiojnƫ vende tƫ ndryshme tƫ rƫndƫsishme historike duke pƫrfshirƫ Durrƫsin, Antigonƫn dhe Hadrianopolin. Pƫr njƫ periudhƫ njƫ vjeƧare, nga 2014-2015 ka punuar si arkeologe nƫ territorin e Gjirokastrƫs (siti i UNESCO-s). Mƫ pasƫ ajo ka punuar edhe nƫ Institutin e Monumenteve tƫ Kulturƫs, ku ƫshtƫ pƫrfshirƫ nƫ promovimin e rrugƫs antike Rruga Egnatian, dhe plani i menaxhimit tƫ arkeologjisƫ, parku i Atigone-Adrianopol. Nga Janar 2016 deri Shtator 2021 ka punuar Drejtoreshƫ e Trashgimisƫ Kulturore dhe Turizmit nƫ Bashkinƫ e Tiranƫs.
Znj. KoƧollari ƫshtƫ njohƫse shumƫ e mirƫ e gjuhƫve tƫ huaja, Anglisht dhe Italisht.
Koordinator i Menaxhimit tĆ« Aktiviteteve, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tarĀ
Mario Kokonozi ƫshtƫ Koordinator i Menaxhimit tƫ Aktiviteteve nƫ programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Mario ka studiuar Psikologji nĆ« fakultetin e Shkencave Sociale nĆ« TiranĆ«. NĆ« vitin 2019, me bursĆ« tĆ« plotĆ«, ka ndjekur studimet Master pĆ«r Studime Kineze/MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare nĆ« Universitetin NdĆ«rkombĆ«tar tĆ« Zhejiang nĆ« KinĆ«.Ā
Mario ƫshtƫ njƫ njohƫs shumƫ i mirƫ i politikave tƫ jashtme dhe ato rinore.
Ai Ć«shtĆ« pĆ«rfshirĆ« nĆ« shumĆ« eksperienca dhe praktika kombĆ«tare dhe ndĆ«rkombĆ«tare ku pĆ«r tāu veƧuar Ć«shtĆ« ajo nĆ« DrejtorinĆ« e PĆ«rgjithshme pĆ«r Politikat e Brendshme tĆ« Unionit pranĆ« Parlamentit Evropian nĆ« Bruksel.Ā
Mario ƫshtƫ aktivist rinor dhe ƫshtƫ i angazhuar pranƫ United Nations Youth Association Albania ku mban dhe rolin e bashkƫdrejtuesit tƫ departamentit tƫ Projekteve.
Gjithashtu, ai Ć«shtĆ« pjesĆ« e njĆ« programi pranĆ« QĆ«ndrĆ«s Qytetare ku monitoron punĆ«n e MinistrisĆ« pĆ«r EvropĆ«n dhe PunĆ«t e Jashtme si analist politikash.Ā
Asistent Logjistike, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Reixhin Ademi Ć«shtĆ« Asistente e LogjistikĆ«s pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (TEYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.Ā
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Reixhin ka punuar nĆ« fushĆ«n e LogjistikĆ«s nĆ« Universitetin e TiranĆ«s, Fakulteti i GjuhĆ«ve tĆ« Huaja dhe Universitetin e Arteve, puna e saj ka konsistuar nĆ« ndihmesĆ«n e studentĆ«ve nĆ« Projektet e Erasmus, nĆ« pĆ«rkthimin e programeve tĆ« studimit nga gjuha Angleze/Gjermane nĆ« Shqip dhe anasjelltas, si dhe nĆ« organizimin e takimeve/aktiviteteve tĆ« ndryshme dedikuar studentĆ«ve duke fasilituar pjesĆ«n Logjistike.
Prej vitit 2019, Reixhin ka qenƫ e angazhuar nƫ fushƫn e Logjistikƫs nƫ disa institucione nƫ Shqipƫri. Ajo zotƫron nje diplomƫ Bachelor nƫ Gjuhƫn Gjermane nga Universiteti i Tiranƫs.
Koordinator Eventesh, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Paula Mehmetukaj Ć«shtĆ« Kordinatore EventeshĀ pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Paula ka punuar si menaxhere marketingu, ku ka qenĆ« pĆ«rgjegjĆ«se pĆ«r kontrollin e planeve marketing tĆ« pĆ«rgjithshme dhe tĆ« pĆ«rditĆ«shme, si dhe pĆ«rgjegjĆ«se e marrĆ«dhenieve me palĆ«t e treta.Ā
Prej vitit 2019, Paula ka qƫnƫ e angazhuar nƫ fushƫn e menaxhimit, inovacionit dhe marketingut nƫ organizata dhe projekte tƫ ndryshme evropiane.
Ajo zotĆ«ron njĆ« Master Shkencor pĆ«r Administrim Biznesi specializuar pĆ«r biznes ndĆ«rkombĆ«tar.Ā
Gjithashtu Paula eshte aktiviste nƫ Ƨƫshtje tƫ ndryshme sociale pƫr moshƫn e tretƫ si dhe mbrojtjen e tƫ drejtave tƫ grave dhe fƫmijƫve.
Koordinator i Aktivistƫve, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Glindxhet Madhi Ć«shtĆ« Koordinator i AktivistĆ«veĀ pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.Ā Ā Ā
Glindxheti Ć«shtĆ«Ā diplomuar nĆ« MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare pranĆ« Universitetit Europian tĆ« TiranĆ«s ku Ć«shtĆ« bĆ«rĆ« pjesĆ« e disa programeve tĆ« shkĆ«mbimit studentor, ndĆ«r to Erasmus+ nĆ« Budapest, Hungari.Ā Ā
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, ai ka punuar nĆ« departamentin e MarrĆ«dhĆ«nieve me JashtĆ« dhe Publikut nĆ« Operatorin e Sistemit tĆ« Transmetimit.
Para kĆ«saj ka qenĆ« me kohĆ« tĆ« pjesshme pjesĆ« e ekipit tĆ« medias dhe aktiviteteve pranĆ« MinistrisĆ« sĆ« ShĆ«ndetĆ«sisĆ« dhe MirĆ«qenies Sociale duke u fokusuar mĆ« sĆ« shumti nĆ« ngritjen e grupit tĆ« vullnetarĆ«ve.Ā Glindxheti Ć«shtĆ« angazhuar vullnetarisht nĆ« debate parlamentare si debatues dhe gjyqtar pranĆ« Institutit tĆ« Studimeve Sociale dhe Humane(ISSH).Ā
Gjatƫ kohƫs sƫ shkƫmbimit studentor nƫ vitin 2018 nƫ Budapest, ai ka kryer praktikƫ pranƫ Ambasadƫs Shqiptare nƫ Hungari.
Glindxheti Ć«shtĆ« gjithashtu Alumni i AkademisĆ« Politike tĆ« FES.Ā Ai Ć«shtĆ« aktiv nĆ« jetĆ«n publike tĆ« qytetit duke u angazhuar nĆ« cĆ«shtje rinore dhe politike.Ā Ka qenĆ« pjesĆ« e disa trajnimeve nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri dhe jashtĆ« saj me fokus bashkĆ«punimin rajonal apo zgjidhjen e problematikave aktuale nga perspektiva e tĆ« rinjve.Ā
Pƫrgjegjƫs Logjistike, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Maura Linadi Ć«shtĆ« diplomuar nĆ«Ā fakultetin e āShkencave tĆ« NatyrĆ«sā, dega Informatik e sĆ« fundmi po pĆ«rfundon studimetĀ MBA nĆ« Universitetin New York tĆ« TiranĆ«s.Ā
Ka njƫ eksperiencƫ tƫ gjerƫ si aktiviste politike. Ka qƫnƫ organizatore e eventeve pƫr te rinj, ka punuar si programuese pƫr rreth 3 vite, dhe prej vitit 2019 punon si specialist IT- je dhe njƫkohƫsisht kƫshilltare nƫ Kƫshillin Bashkiak Tiranƫ.
Sƫ fundmi i ƫshtƫ dhƫnƫ detyra si kryetare e Aleancƫs sƫ Grave nƫ Kƫshillin Bashkiak Tiranƫ.
Prej njƫ moshe tƫ herƫt, ka qƫnƫ e pƫrfshirƫ nƫ aktivitete me tƫ rinjtƫ dhe ƫshtƫ thellƫsisht e lidhur me kauzen e tyre.
Eksperiencat me tƫ rinjtƫ dhe nƫ fushƫn e debatit shtrihen prej pƫrfshirjes sƫ saj nƫ konkurse inovacioni me studentet e Tiranƫs, nƫ partneritet me Bashkinƫ e Tiranƫs, konsulence karriere me nxenƫsit e shkollave tƫ Mesme, nƫ konkurse debate politik, nƫ Akademinƫ Politike me tƫ Rinjtƫ e Forumit Socialist dhe organizatore eventesh, perfaqƫsuese e tƫ Rinjve Shqiptar Eurosocialist nƫ Europe IUSY,YES.
Pƫrgjegjƫs Ligjor, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Najada Merolli ƫshtƫ Pƫrgjegjƫs Ligjor pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Najada ka punuar prej vitit 2015 pranĆ« Operatorit tĆ« Sistemit tĆ« Trasmetimit (OST) sh.a., ku ka qenĆ« juriste/ eksperte pranĆ« DrejtorisĆ« sĆ« Prokurimeve.Ā Ā
Ajo zotĆ«ron njĆ« Master nĆ« āBussiness Lawā, si dhe njĆ« diplomĆ« tĆ« nivelit tĆ« dytĆ« tĆ« integruar nĆ« drejtĆ«si, Master Shkencor, pranĆ« Univeristeti tĆ« TiranĆ«s, Fakultetit tĆ« DrejtĆ«sisĆ«, dega Juridik.
Prej vitit 2013, ajo ka fituar titullin Asistent/avokat nga Dhoma Kombƫtare e Avokatisƫ sƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Najada ka kryer njƫ sƫre trajnimesh profesionale nƫ fushƫn e harmonizimit tƫ legjislacionit Shqiptar me atƫ Evropian, ne fushƫn e prokurimit publik, si dhe nƫ tƫ drejtƫn civile dhe tregtare.
Asistente Ekzekutive, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Lori Nikolla ƫshtƫ asistente pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ EYC 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Lori ka shĆ«rbyer si asistente nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e Arsimit.
Prej vitit 2018, Lori ka qenƫ e angazhuar pranƫ Ministrisƫ sƫ Arsimit nƫ kabinetin e Ministrit dhe mƫ pas ka mbajtur rolin e asistentes sƫ Zƫvendƫsministrit.
Ajo ƫshtƫ diplomuar nƫ Administrim Biznesi pranƫ Fakultetit Ekonomik, Universiteti i Tiranƫs.
Lori ka aftƫsi tƫ shkƫlqyera organizative dhe angazhohet nƫ mƫnyrƫ konstante me pƫrkthime.
Pƫrgjegjƫs Administrativ dhe i Protokollit, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Juljana Gjokutaj Ć«shtĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Administrativ dhe i Protokollit pĆ«r programin āTirana ā European Youth Capital 2022ā (EYC) pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022 Juliana ka punuar nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e ShĆ«ndetĆ«sisĆ« dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale si dhe nĆ« ish MinistrinĆ« e MirĆ«qenies Sociale dhe RinisĆ«, nĆ« pozicionin e Asistentes sĆ« ZĆ«vendĆ«sministrit prej rreth 15 vitesh.Ā
Mƫ hershƫm Juliana ka qenƫ e angazhuar dhe si Koordinator Social pranƫ fshatit SOS e ngarkuar me organizimin e aktiviteteve krijuese dhe argƫtuese pƫr fƫmijƫ, si dhe rehabilitimin e tyre me jeten nƫ qendƫr dhe sigurimin e mbarƫvajtjes nƫ shkollƫ.
Ajo zotƫron studimet e larta nƫ Histori me profilizim nƫ arkivƫ.
Po ashtu Ć«shtĆ« e specializuar nĆ« evidentimin, klasifikimin e shĆ«rbimeve, ruajtjen e dokumentave si dhe automatizimin e arkivave.Ā
Juliana ka nƫ fokus tƫ interesave tƫ saj dhe advokimin pƫr grupet nƫ nevojƫ, personat me aftƫsi tƫ kufizuar dhe ofrimin e shƫrbimeve komunitare.
Pƫrgjegjƫs Finance, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Juna Laci ƫshtƫ Pƫrgjegjƫse Finance pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Juna ka punuar nĆ« DrejtorinĆ« e PĆ«rgjithshme tĆ« PunĆ«ve Publike, Bashkia TiranĆ«, ku ka qenĆ« e angazhuar pĆ«r monitorimin dhe raportimin e strategjive tĆ« ndyshme tĆ« ndĆ«rmarrjeve pĆ«rkatĆ«se, pĆ«r rritjen e cilĆ«sisĆ« sĆ« shĆ«rbimeve mirĆ«mbajtĆ«se nĆ« qendra dhe institucione sociale dhe arsimore.Ā
Prej vitit 2010, me eksperincƫn e saj 7-vjecare Juna ka qƫnƫ e angazhuar nƫ fushƫn e Financƫs nƫ kompani tƫ ndryshme kombƫtare ose me partnerƫ ndƫrkombƫtare si dhe ne OJF te ndryshme.
Ka pƫrfunduar studimet e larta nƫ Universitetin e Tiranƫs, Fakulteti Ekonomik nƫ vitin 2010, dega Menaxhim Biznesi.
MĆ« pas ka pĆ«rfunduar edhe njĆ« Master Profesional pas universitar pĆ«r zhvillimin urban nĆ« Universitetin POLIS nĆ« bashkĆ«punim me Universitetin Erasmus HolandĆ«, Housing and Land Development.Ā
Juna gjithashtu ka dhĆ«nĆ« kontribut nĆ«pĆ«r organizata tĆ« ndryshme si nĆ« realizimin e aktiviteteve nĆ« kuadrin e projektit āEdukimi NdĆ«rkulturor dhe pĆ«r tĆ« Drejtat e Njeriut nĆ« ShkollĆ«ā, nĆ« fondacionin āNdihmĆ« pĆ«r fĆ«mijĆ«t romĆ«ā dhe nĆ« organizata tĆ« ndryshme rinore.
Menaxher Finance, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Hysen Zyberaj Ć«shtĆ« Menaxher Finance nĆ« Programin “Tirana Kryeqyteti Europian i RinisĆ« 2022” (EYC 2022), pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor Kombetar tĆ« Shqiperise.
Ai Ć«shtĆ« diplomuar nĆ« vitin 2006 pranĆ« Fakultetit Ekonomik, profili Finance-Kontabilitet dhe gjithashtu zotĆ«ron njĆ« Master Shkencor nĆ« Politika dhe Administrim – Profili Administrim Financiar, Fakulteti i Shkencave Politike-Juridike.Ā
Ā Prej vitit 2006, ai ka punuar nĆ« kompani tĆ« ndryshme private si kontabilist dhe financier. NĆ« vitin 2010 ai Ć«shtĆ« certifikuar me titullin “Kontabilist i Miratuar”, dhe qĆ« prej vitit 2012 ai ushtron profesionin e Kontabilistit tĆ« Miratuar pranĆ« qĆ«ndrĆ«s sĆ« tij tĆ« punvs.Ā
Ai gjithashtu ka mbaruar tĆ« gjitha trajnimet dhe detyrimet e nevojshme pĆ«r marrjen e titullit “Auditues Ligjor”, dhe aktualisht Ć«shtĆ« nĆ« proces pĆ«r marrjen e kĆ«tij titulli.
Ai Ć«shtĆ« angazhuar nĆ« shumĆ« trajnime nĆ« fushĆ«n e kontabilitetit dhe financĆ«s.Ā
Nga Janari i vitit 2021 dhe nĆ« vazhdim, ai Ć«shtĆ« pjesĆ« e Inspektoreve FinanciarĆ« Publik nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e Financave – expert i jashtĆ«m.
Mariza Rama ƫshtƫ Pƫrgjegjƫse e kƫrkimit, monitorimit dhe vlerƫsimit pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Mariza ka punuar nĆ« departamentin e sekretariatit tĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«, ku ka qenĆ« kordinatore e projekteve tĆ« ndryshme me nĆ« fokus rininĆ« dhe integrimin e tyre nĆ« vendimarrje e nĆ« politikat vendore , si dhe kordinatore lokale per qytetin e KamzĆ«s prej rreth 2 vitesh tashmĆ«.
Prej vitit 2016, Mariza ka qƫnƫ e angazhuar nƫ shoqƫrinƫ civile si pjesƫ aktive e trajnimeve pƫrqendruar nƫ politikat vendore dhe qƫndrore,
komunikim dhe hulumtim nĆ« organizata dhe institucione tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri dhe Itali .Ā
Ajo zotƫron njƫ Master Shkencor nƫ fakultetin Juridik, fokusuar nƫ tƫ Drejtƫ Private dhe Biznesi nga Universiteti Europian i Tiranƫs.
Mariza Ć«shtĆ« gjithashtu pjesĆ« e stafit tĆ« trainerĆ«ve tĆ« Friedrich Ebert Sitftung Tirana pĆ«r politikat qendrore dhe vendore.Ā
Menaxher Monitorimi dhe Vlerƫsimi, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Dikensa Topi ƫshtƫ Menaxher Monitorimi dhe Vlerƫsimi (M&V) pƫr programin
āTirana ā European Youth Capital 2022ā (TEYC) pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit TEYC 2022 Dikensa ka punuar nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e Arsimit dhe Sportit ku ka mbajtur pozicionin e Drejtorit tĆ« Politikave dhe Strategjive tĆ« Zhvillimit tĆ« Arsimit, Sportit dhe RinisĆ« si dhe pozicionin e PĆ«rgjegjĆ«sit tĆ« Monitorimit, Statistikave dhe JetĆ«simit tĆ« Prioriteteve.Ā
Mƫ hershƫm ka mbajtur pozicionin e specialistit tƫ politikave rinore pranƫ ish Ministrisƫ sƫ Mirƫqenies Sociale dhe Rinisƫ (MMSR) ku Dikensa ka qenƫ ideatore dhe themeluese e Programit Kombƫtar tƫ Praktikave tƫ Punƫs nƫ Administratƫ Publike pƫr tƫ rinjtƫ nga 21 deri nƫ 26 vjeƧ.
Prej vitit 2014, Dikensa ka patur nƫ fokus zhvillimin e ekspertizƫs nƫ fushƫn e M&V si dhe ka qenƫ Lektor i Jashtƫm pƫr 5 vite nƫ Universitetin e Tiranƫs.
Ajo zotƫron BA nƫ Shkenca Politike dhe Master tƫ Shkencave nƫ Teori Politike nga Universiteti i Tiranƫs prej tƫ cilit ƫshtƫ vlerƫsuar me Medalje Ari pƫr rezultatet e larta.
Ajo zotĆ«ron dhe Master tĆ« Shkencave nĆ« āFilozofi Gjermane dhe Franceze nĆ« hapĆ«sirĆ«n Evropianeā, DiplomĆ« e PĆ«rbashkĆ«t lĆ«shuar nga Universiteti i Luksemburgut, Universiteti TuluzĆ« II āLe Mirailā dhe Universiteti Katolik i Luvenit, mbĆ«shtetur me bursĆ« Erasmus Mundus nga Komisioni Evropian.Ā
PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s i Rrjeteve Sociale, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tarĀ
Krista Shehaj ƫshtƫ Pƫrgjegjƫs i Rrjeteve Sociale pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Krista ka punuar pranĆ« KĆ«shillit tĆ« Ministrave si juriste mĆ« pas pranĆ« MinistrisĆ« sĆ« DiasporĆ«s dhe gjithashtu duke vazhduar eksperiencĆ«n e saj pranĆ« Fondit Shqiptar tĆ« Zhvillimit.Ā
Prej vitit 2019 Krista ka punuar si konsulenteĀ pĆ«r mediat sociale dhe strategjitĆ« e marketingut pranĆ« dy kompanive private.
Krista gjithashtu Ć«shtĆ« gjyqtare dhe anĆ«tare e Komisionit Teknik tĆ« FederatĆ«s Shqiptare Taekwondo.Ā
Ajo zotƫron Master Shkencor Penal pranƫ Fakultetit tƫ Drejtƫsisƫ, Universiteti i Tiranƫs dhe ka kryer specializime mbi fushƫn e marketingut dhe mediave sociale.
Krista Ć«shtĆ« angazhuar nĆ«Ā veprimtari vullnetare sociale pĆ«r mbrojtjen e mjedisit gjithashtu edhe nĆ« fushat eĀ qeverisjes evropiane, mbrojtja e tĆ« drejtave tĆ« njeriut dhe politikat mjedisore.
PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s i Marketingut, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tarĀ
Brisida Sula ƫshtƫ Pƫrgjegjƫs i Marketingut pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC) 2022, pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tĆ« bĆ«hej pjesĆ« e ekipit EYC 2022, Brisida ka punuar gjatĆ« viteve 2015-2021 si specialiste pranĆ« sektorit tĆ« programeve dhe projekteve rinore nĆ« AgjencinĆ« KombĆ«tare tĆ« RinisĆ«.Ā
GjatĆ« shtatĆ« viteve tĆ« punĆ«s sĆ« saj, Brisida ka kryer detyra tĆ« rĆ«ndĆ«sishme tĆ« cilat kanĆ« ndikuar nĆ« fuqizimin dhe gjithĆ«pĆ«rfshirjen e tĆ« rinjve pĆ«rmes programeve, aktiviteteve, trajnimeve, workshop-eve e konferencave rinore realizuar jo vetem nĆ« rang kombĆ«tar por edhe rajonal, si edhe nĆ« zbatim tĆ« politikave tĆ« ministrisĆ« pĆ«rgjegjĆ«se pĆ«r rininĆ« dhe Planit KombĆ«tar tĆ« Veprimit pĆ«r RininĆ« 2015-2020.Ā
Brisida koordinoi pĆ«r mĆ« shumĆ« se katĆ«r vite Programin KombĆ«tar tĆ« Praktikave tĆ« PunĆ«s, i cili i’u mundĆ«son studentĆ«ve tĆ« sapo dalĆ« nga bankat e shkollĆ«s jo vetĆ«m marrjen e eksperiencĆ«s sĆ« punĆ«s pranĆ« administratĆ«s publike por edhe punĆ«sim me kontrata njĆ« vjecare pune pranĆ« kĆ«tyre institucioneve qeveritare.Ā Ā Ā
Mƫ herƫt gjatƫ viteve 2007-2011, Brisida ka punuar pranƫ Top Albania Radio (TAR) si redaktore e lajmeve nƫ zyrƫn e informacionit, mirƫmbajtƫse e faqƫs web si dhe ka qenƫ pjesƫ e kordinimit tƫ njƫ njƫ sƫrƫ fushatash promovuese tƫ programeve tƫ Top Albania Radio-s.
Ajo ka pĆ«rfunduar studimet pranĆ« Fakultetit tĆ« Shkencave Sociale nĆ« Universitetin e TiranĆ«s, si sociologe profesion qĆ« e ka kryer gjatĆ« periudhĆ«s sĆ« fakultetit pranĆ« organizatave tĆ« ndryshme jo qeveritare vendase dhe tĆ« huaja.Ā Ā
Menaxher i Marrƫdhƫnieve me Publikun dhe i Marketingut, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Dea Elmasllari ƫshtƫ Menaxher i Marrƫdhƫnieve me Publikun dhe Marketingut pƫr programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i Rinisƫ (EYC 2022), pranƫ Kongresit Rinor Kombƫtar tƫ Shqipƫrisƫ.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit tĆ« Tirana EYC 2022, Dea ka punuar nĆ« departamentin e komunikimit nĆ« ZyrĆ«n Rajonale pĆ«r BashkĆ«punim Rinor (RYCO), ku ka qenĆ« pĆ«rgjegjĆ«se pĆ«r zbatimin e strategjive tĆ« komunikimit dhe aktiviteteve tĆ« promovimit nĆ« rajonin e Ballkanit PerĆ«ndimor.Ā
Prej vitit 2013, Dea ka qĆ«nĆ« e angazhuar nĆ« fushĆ«n e komunikimit dhe hulumtimit nĆ« organizata dhe institucione tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri dhe Gjermani.Ā
Ajo zotĆ«ron njĆ« Master Shkencor nĆ« PolitikĆ«, Ekonomi dhe Filozofi nga Universiteti i Hamburgut nĆ« Gjermani dhe B.A nĆ« Shkenca Politike dhe MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare nga Universiteti Epoka nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri, ku mĆ« pas iāu bashkua departamentit si Lektore nĆ« Filozofi Politike.
Dea Ć«shtĆ« gjithashtu hulumtuese e pavarur nĆ« fushat e qeverisjes globale, politikave evropiane, paqes, sigurisĆ« dhe rinisĆ«. NĆ« vitin 2020 ajo u nderua me BursĆ«n UNODA – OSBE pĆ«r Paqe dhe Siguri pĆ«r profesionistĆ«t e rinj.
Menaxher i Marrƫdhƫnieve Ndƫrkombƫtare, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Irena Topalli Ć«shtĆ« Menaxher i MarrĆ«dhĆ«nieve NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare pĆ«r programin EYC2022 pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri.Ā Ā Ā
Me mbi 17 vjet pĆ«rvojĆ« nĆ« shoqĆ«rinĆ« civile, Ira ka mbajtur pozicionin e Menaxheres sĆ« Programeve nĆ« organizatĆ«n PĆ«rtej Barrierave, duke u pĆ«rqendruar nĆ« zhvillimin e punĆ«s me tĆ« rinjtĆ«, politikave rinore dhe projekteve e programeve strategjike tĆ« bashkĆ«punimit me Ballkanin dhe EuropĆ«n.Ā
Pƫrgjatƫ viteve ajo ka qenƫ pjesƫ akive dhe ka kontribuar nƫ zhvillime tƫ rƫndƫsishme kombƫtare e ndƫrkombƫtare tƫ pƫrmirƫsimit tƫ politikave rinore, tƫ vullnetarizmit, punƫs me tƫ rinjtƫ, pjesƫmarrjes, diversitetit kulturor etj. Ira gjithashtu ƫshtƫ eksperte pƫr programet Erasmus +Youth,
Europa pĆ«r QytetarĆ«t dhe Korpusi Europian i Solidaritetit (ESC) dhe prej 9 vitesh Ć«shtĆ« anĆ«tare e SkuadrĆ«s sĆ« TrajnerĆ«ve dhe SkuadrĆ«s sĆ« Akredituesve tĆ« SALTO SEE.Ā
NjĆ«kohĆ«sisht, Ira Ć«shtĆ« eksperte e rrjetit rajonal SEEYN, ku mĆ« parĆ« ka mbajtur pozicionin e Presidentes dhe tĆ« anĆ«tares sĆ« Bordit Drejtues.Ā
Irena ka studiuar DrejtĆ«si dhe Ć«shtĆ« e specializuar si trajnere nĆ« edukimin e tĆ« drejtave tĆ« njeriut. NdĆ«r vite ajo ka dizenjuar, udhĆ«hequr, menaxhuar e moderuar mĆ« shumĆ« se 100 evente, trajnime dhe konferenca pĆ«r institucione tĆ« ndryshme si Komisioni Europian, KĆ«shilli i EuropĆ«s, RYCO, OSBE, WBF, TACSO, FES, KCSF, etj.Ā
Koordinator Programi āRinia krijon KulturĆ«ā, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Jehona Varfi Ć«shtĆ« Koordinatore pĆ«r programin āRinia krijon KulturĆ«ā nĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« titullit Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (TEYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.
Ajo ka qenĆ« pjesĆ« e administratĆ«s publike nĆ« fushĆ«n e menaxhimit tĆ« projekteve pĆ«r art, kulturĆ«, trashĆ«gimi kulturore dhe rini. Nga viti 2010, Jehona ka qenĆ« pjesĆ« eĀ Ā koordinimit tĆ« politikave tĆ« qeverisĆ« nĆ« fushĆ«n e rinisĆ« me programet e organizatave ndĆ«rkombĆ«tare dhe donatorĆ«ve, si dhe programeve tĆ« ndryshme tĆ« institucioneve evropiane dhe menaxhimit tĆ« projekteve me donatorĆ«t.
ĆshtĆ« e anĆ«tare dhe pĆ«rfaqĆ«suese pĆ«r ShqipĆ«rinĆ«, nĆ« Komitetin Drejtues pĆ«r Politikat Rinore tĆ« KĆ«shillit tĆ« EvropĆ«s, si dhe anĆ«tare e Komitetit tĆ« Programeve Rinore tĆ« KĆ«shillit tĆ« EvropĆ«s.
NĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« kĆ«tyre funksioneve Jehona ka qĆ«nĆ« edhe koordinatore kombĆ«tare e fushatĆ«s āJo gjuhĆ«s sĆ« Urrejtjesā.
PĆ«rsa i pĆ«rket formimit, Jehona ka mbaruar nĆ« fushĆ«n e Etnologji dhe Antropologji Kulturore nĆ« Universitetin e PrishtinĆ«s dhe master pĆ«r āArkitekturĆ«n popullore tĆ« HimarĆ«sā.
Gjithashtu Ć«shtĆ« shpĆ«rblyer me bursĆ« nga Universiteti i VienĆ«s, Austri pĆ«r njĆ« semestĆ«r. NĆ« fushĆ«n e trashĆ«gimisĆ« kulturore Jehona Ć«shtĆ« menaxhere e tureve virtuale si āKalaja e GjirokastrĆ«sā dhe āKalaja e RozafĆ«sā.
Koordinator Programi āRinia dhe PjesĆ«marrjaā, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Eris IbĆ«rshimi Ć«shtĆ« koordinatore eĀ programit āRinia dhe PjesĆ«marrjaā, pĆ«r Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022 Erisi ka punuar nĆ« universitetin e Elbasanit āAleksandĆ«r Xhuvaniā ku ka mbajtur pozicionin e specialistit tĆ« Buletinit Shkencor.
Prej vitit 2000, Erisi ka punuar nƫ pozicione tƫ ndryshme, me organizata kombƫtare dhe ndƫrkombƫtare, tƫ cilat kanƫ patur nƫ fokusin e tyre punƫn me tƫ rinjtƫ.
GjatĆ« eksperiencĆ«sĀ sĆ« saj, ajo ka bashkĆ«punuar ngushtĆ« me grupe rinore, institucione publike, OJQ dhe aktorĆ« tĆ« ndryshĆ«m me qĆ«llimĀ advokimin, pĆ«r pĆ«rfshirjen dhe pjesĆ«marrjen e tĆ« rinjve nĆ« jetĆ«n shoqĆ«rore dhe politike.
Ajo ka marĆ« pjesĆ« nĆ« hartimin e disa politikave nĆ« fushĆ«n e arsimit dhe tĆ« mbrojtjes.Ā
Eris ƫshtƫ gjithashtu bashkautore e disa produkteve profesionale mbi aftesinƫ e kufizuar dhe tƫ rinjtƫ si dhe konsulente dhe eksperete e pavarur nƫ Ƨƫshtjet tƫ ndryshme qƫ lidhen me edukimin dhe rininƫ. Pƫrvoja e saj profesionale ƫshtƫ e orientuar dhe e fokusuar nƫ Sektorin e Arsimit dhe Rinisƫ.
Ajo ƫshtƫ diplomuar pƫr Gjuhƫ-Letƫrsi dhe ka pƫrfunduar disa kurse mbi menaxhimin e projekteve, leadership, zhvillimin komunitar, etj.
Koordinator Program āRinia dhe Eco – Healthā, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Enkeleda Pjetri Ć«shtĆ« Koordinatore e Youth Eco – Health pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.Ā
Enkeleda Ć«shtĆ« Inxhiniere Pyjesh dhe zotĆ«ron njĆ« Master NdĆ«rkombĆ«tar nĆ« PolitikĆ« dhe Ekonomi Pyjore dhe gjithashtu ka qenĆ« pjesĆ«marrĆ«se nĆ« njĆ« fellowship pĆ«r Leadership nĆ« USA.Ā
Profili qƫ ka formuar kƫto 15 vitet e fundit e ka parƫ ate pƫrkrah programeve dhe projekteve tƫ rƫndƫsishme nƫ nivel rajonal nƫ lidhje me Ƨƫshtjet mjedisore dhe ekonominƫ e gjelbƫr si edhe tƫ angazhuar nƫ mƫnyrƫ konstante edhe nƫ shoqƫrinƫ civile, si pjesƫmarrƫse dhe trajnuese nƫ programe tƫ ndryshme formuese, kombƫtare, rajonale dhe ndƫrkombƫtare.
Eksperienca e saj ka filluar me shoqĆ«rinĆ« civile qĆ« nga viti 2009, pĆ«r tĆ« vijuar mĆ« pas nga 2016 deri sĆ« fundmi nĆ« njĆ« projekt ndĆ«rkombĆ«tar ndĆ«rtimi tĆ« implementuar nĆ« vendin tonĆ«, ku ka mbajtur rolin e ekspertes nĆ« monitorimin e Ƨƫshtjeve sociale dhe marrĆ«dhĆ«nieve me komunitetin e grupet e interesitĀ dhe mĆ« pas atĆ« tĆ« inxhinierit tĆ« pyjeve nĆ« menaxhimin dhe supervizimin e projekteve tĆ« ripyllĆ«zimit.
Koordinator Programi āRinia dhe HapĆ«sirat Rinoreā, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Bled Iljazi ƫshtƫ njƫ strateg politik, organizator i komunitetit, njƫ sipƫrmarrƫs interneti shumƫ i aftƫ dhe njƫ aktivist me njƫ gamƫ tƫ gjerƫ eksperience edhe jashtƫ vendit, nga mbledhja superiore e fondeve, organizimi i fushatave, konsultimet mediatike deri te zhvillimi i projekteve komunitare, sistemeve tƫ komunikimit dhe tƫ drejtave tƫ njeriut.
Ai ka mbrojtur pƫrmes lobimit politik ose organizatave tƫ shoqƫrisƫ civile pƫr Ƨƫshtje qƫ kanƫ tƫ bƫjnƫ me korrupsionin, Ƨƫshtjet publike, reformat arsimore, sistemet zgjedhore, tƫ drejtat e punƫs, kujdesin shƫndetƫsor, ndryshimet klimatike dhe imigracionin, si dhe martesat e tƫ njƫjtit seks, planifikimin familjar dhe minoritetet.
Ai fokusohet mƫ shpesh te ligjvƫnƫsit ose anƫtarƫt e agjencive rregullatore nƫ pƫrpjekjet pƫr tƫ promovuar, penguar, drejtuar ose ndƫrhyrƫ nƫ reformat sociale, politike, ekonomike ose mjedisore pƫr tƫ ndikuar vendimmarrƫsit kryesorƫ pƫr Ƨƫshtje kritike.
Iljazi ndoqi Fakultetin Juridik tƫ Universitetit tƫ Tiranƫs dhe u diplomua me nderime pƫr jurisprudencƫ.
Oficere Komunikimi KRK, Koordinator Programi āTĆ« rinjtĆ« janĆ« Evropianā, Tirana EYC 2022
Shila Parllaku Ć«shtĆ« koordinatore e programit āTĆ« rinjtĆ« janĆ« Evropianā pĆ«r Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.Ā
QĆ« prej vitit 2019, Shila ka punuar si pĆ«rgjegjĆ«se komunikimi nĆ« Kongresin Rinor KombĆ«tar dhe koordinatore projekti nĆ« programin 3-vjeƧar tĆ« mbĆ«shtetur nga Fondacionin Gjerman Hanns Seidel.Ā
Prej 3 vitesh tashmƫ, ajo ka kontribuar nƫ projekte dhe forume tƫ ndryshme rinore, ku pƫrfshirja ka qenƫ kryesisht nƫ projekte me fokus; fuqizimin rinor, dimensionin evropian, procesi i integrimit nƫ Bashkimin Evropian, dhe ngritja e kapaciteteve te tyre nƫ disa kontekste si ai lokal, kombƫtar, rajonal dhe Evropian.
Ajo ka studiuar Administrim dhe Politika Sociale, nĆ« Fakultetin e Shkencave Sociale, Universiteti i TiranĆ«s. Puna dhe eksperienca e saj kanĆ« pasur njĆ« ndikim dhe kontribut pozitiv nĆ« rrugĆ«timin si aktiviste rinore.Ā
PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Hulumtimi KRK, Koordinatore Programi āRinia Zhvillon Kapaciteteā, Tirana EYC 2022
Enxhi Lipa Ć«shtĆ« Koordinatore Programi Rinia Zhvillon Kapacitete pĆ«r Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«.Ā
Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Enxhi ka punuar si PĆ«rgjegjĆ«se Hulumtimi dhe Koordinatore Projektesh pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar. Ajo gjithashtu ka punuar si hulumtuese e pavarur, trajnere dhe eksperte e jashtme lidhur me Ƨƫshtjen e zhvillimit tĆ« aftĆ«sive dhe rritjen e kapaciteteve tĆ« tĆ« rinjve, grave dhe vajzave qĆ« vijnĆ« nga zona rurale.Ā
SĆ« fundmi, Enxhi Ć«shtĆ« zgjedhur si njĆ« anĆ«tare rinore e bashkĆ«-kryesimit tĆ« iniciativĆ«s se Laboratorit Rinor tĆ« Ballkanit PerĆ«ndimor, njĆ« projekt rajonal i mbĆ«shtetur nga KĆ«shilli i BashkĆ«punimit Rajonal. Ajo Ć«shtĆ« gjithashtu anĆ«tare e Grupit tĆ« EkspertĆ«ve nĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« kĆ«saj iniciative.Ā
Prej vitit 2015, Enxhi Ć«shtĆ« e angazhuar nĆ« sektorin e shoqĆ«risĆ« civile duke kontribuar nĆ« mĆ«nyrĆ« aktive nĆ« pĆ«rmirĆ«simin e politikave rinore nĆ« nivel lokal, kombĆ«tar, rajonal dhe europian. Ajo ka zhvilluar disa praktika pune nĆ« institucione shtetĆ«rore me qĆ«llim ndĆ«rtimin e dialogut tĆ« strukturuar me politikĆ«bĆ«rĆ«sit dhe lobimin pĆ«r tĆ« respektimin e tĆ« drejtave tĆ« tĆ« rinjve nĆ« vend.Ā
Enxhi zotĆ«ron DiplomĆ« Bachelor nĆ« Shkenca Politike dhe MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie NdĆ«rkombĆ«tare nga Universiteti Epoka nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri. Gjithashtu ajo ka zhvilluar njĆ« sĆ«rĆ« specializimesh nĆ« fushĆ«n e ngritjes sĆ« kapaciteteve, kĆ«rkimit shkencor, integrimit europian, menaxhimit tĆ« projekteve kombĆ«tare dhe ndĆ«rkombĆ«tare dhe aftĆ«sive tĆ« buta.Ā
GjatĆ« tre viteve tĆ« fundit, Enxhi ka punuar intensivisht nĆ« Ƨƫshtjen e punĆ«simit rinor duke u angazhuar nĆ« disa projekte nĆ« nivel lokal, kombĆ«tar dhe rajonal. Ajo Ć«shtĆ« bashkĆ«autore e njĆ« sĆ«rĆ« dokumentash strategjik dhe punime shkencore si:Ā Master Plani i PunĆ«simit nĆ« BashkinĆ« TiranĆ«, Checklista pĆ«r tĆ« Drejtat e tĆ« Rinjve nĆ« Vendin e PunĆ«s, Guida e Prisma pĆ«r Impakt Social, Manuali āTĆ« RinjtĆ« si AgjentĆ« Ndryshimiā, Toolkit āWeMean Power: On Women socio-economic empowermentā; “Manuali mbi Mjetet Digjitale pĆ«r Organizatat e ShoqĆ«risĆ« Civile”, etj.Ā Enxhi Ć«shtĆ« pjesĆ« e disa rrjeteve kombĆ«tare dhe ndĆ«rkombĆ«tare dhe ka punuar me njĆ« sĆ«rĆ« donatorĆ«sh si: FES, KAS, RYCO, PRISMA, Anna Lindh, Schuler Helfen Lieben, EU, OSCE, PONT dhe RYCE
PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Politikash, KRK, Koordinator Programi āRinia bĆ«n Ekonomi Krijuese dhe Novacionā, Tirana EYC 2022
Klajdi Priska Ć«shtĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Politikash nĆ« Kongresin Rinor KombĆ«tar dhe Koordinator Programi pĆ«r programin āRinia bĆ«n ekonomi krijuese dhe inovacionā, nĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« 2022 nĆ« Kongresin Rinor KombĆ«tar.
Z. Priska ka njƫ diplomƫ bachelor nƫ shkenca kompjuterike dhe ƫshtƫ diplomuar nƫ kurset profesionale tƫ shkencave ekonomike dhe politike. Ka kryer studimet nƫ Universitetin Humboldt tƫ Berlinit dhe nƫ Universitetin e Tiranƫs. Pjesƫ e edukimit tƫ tij ƫshtƫ edhe njƫ seri mƫsimesh joformale nƫ programin Erasmus + sƫ bashku me seminare dhe konferenca tƫ tjera ndƫrkombƫtare.
Mƫ parƫ ai ka punuar nƫ Kuvendin e Shqipƫrisƫ nƫ bashkƫpunim me NDI, duke asistuar deputetƫ nƫ punƫt administrative dhe publike. Ai ka moderuar pƫr fondacione tƫ shumta duke pƫrfshirƫ agjencitƫ e OKB-sƫ dhe ka shƫrbyer si koordinator/asistent projekti nƫ fondacione ndƫrkombƫtare. Ai ka qenƫ pjesƫ e grupeve tƫ politikƫbƫrjes rinore dhe ka vepruar si koordinator i marrƫdhƫnieve tƫ jashtme nƫ forumet rinore politike shqiptare. Gjatƫ karrierƫs sƫ tij, ai ƫshtƫ angazhuar nƫ ngritjen e kapaciteteve dhe ka qenƫ vullnetar nƫ Shoqƫrinƫ Civile nƫ vazhdimƫsi dhe ka punuar me OSHC-tƫ pƫr tƫ promovuar aktivitetet e tyre.
Aktualisht z. Priska punon si PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Politikash nĆ« Kongresin Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«, duke organizuar takime tĆ« palĆ«ve tĆ« interesuara, duke dokumentuar dhe ndjekur veprimet dhe vendimet e rĆ«ndĆ«sishme dhe duke zhvilluar strategji projektesh si dhe duke ndĆ«rmarrĆ« detyra projekti sipas nevojĆ«s, po ashtu si dhe duke mbajtur dhe zhvilluar mĆ« tej marrdhĆ«niet ndĆ«rkombĆ«tare.Ā
Ai gjithashtu vepron si koordinator i projektit pĆ«r āRinia dhe Zgjedhjet 2021 RinVoteā i njohur mĆ« vonĆ« si āRinON pjesĆ« e SerisĆ« RinVoteā nĆ« bashkĆ«punim tĆ« ngushtĆ« me Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung dhe EuroNeĆ«s Albania. NĆ« Ƨdo kohĆ«, puna Ć«shtĆ« nĆ« pĆ«rputhje me vlerat personale, kombĆ«tare dhe evropiane.
Ergys Gezka mbulon pozicionin Menaxher Programi nĆ« kuadĆ«r tĆ« āTirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« pĆ«r 2022ā, zbatuar nga Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar nĆ« bashkĆ«punim me BashkinĆ« TiranĆ«.
Z. Gezka ka njƫ profil menaxherial dhe gjatƫ 12 viteve tƫ fundit ka drejtuar dhe koordinuar njƫ numƫr tƫ konsiderueshƫm projektesh kombƫtare dhe rajonale, eksperiencƫ qƫ e ka parƫ atƫ tƫ angazhuar me programe e projekte tƫ ndryshme social-kulturore, infrastrukturore, kooperimit dhe zhvillimit dhe nƫ fushƫn e edukimit dhe zhvillimit tƫ rinisƫ.
Gjatƫ karrierƫs sƫ tij ka drejtuar disa realitete, organizata tƫ shoqƫrisƫ civile dhe ƫshtƫ angazhuar si konsulent pƫr menaxhim projektesh pƫr ministri dhe bashki tƫ ndryshme, nƫ Itali dhe Shqipƫri ku ka mundur tƫ njohƫ pƫr se brendshmi dinamikat e qeverisjes qendrore e lokale dhe sigurisht edhe sektorin e OShC-ve ku ƫshtƫ dalluar pƫr aftƫsi ndƫr sektoriale dhe koordinuese. Z. Gezka ƫshtƫ gjithashtu njohƫs i mirƫ i Procesit tƫ Integrimit Evropian dhe shkrimit tƫ projekteve evropiane, jep kontribut nƫ mƫnyrƫ konstante nƫ pƫrpilimin dhe zbatimin e strategjive dhe zhvillimit tƫ politikave rinore.
Ai pƫrfundoi studimet nƫ Itali, nƫ Gjuhƫ, Letƫrsi, Gazetari dhe u specializua nƫ Poloni dhe Belgjikƫ nƫ zhvillimin dhe menaxhimin e burimeve njerƫzore. Formƫsimi i tij pƫr tƫ qenƫ pranƫ tƫ rinjve dhe shoqƫrisƫ civile ƫshtƫ shƫnjuar nga eksperiencat e thelluara mes Italisƫ dhe Shqipƫrisƫ nƫ lidhje me emigracionin dhe kujtesƫn kolektive.
CEO – Koordinatore e PĆ«rgjithshme, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar
Aspasjana Kongo mban pozicionin e CEO – Koordinatore e PĆ«rgjithshme e āTirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« pĆ«r 2022ā, zbatuar nga Kongresi Rinor KombĆ«tar nĆ« bashkĆ«punim me BashkinĆ« e TiranĆ«s, qĆ« prej 15 NĆ«ntorit, 2021. Ajo ka mbajtur mĆ« herĆ«t pozicionin e ZĆ«vendĆ«sministritĀ pĆ«r Ƨƫshtjet e RinisĆ« pranĆ« MinistrisĆ« sĆ« Arsimit, Sportit dhe RinisĆ«. Detyrat e saj pĆ«rfshinin zhvillimin e politikave rinore nĆ« rang kombĆ«tar. Formimi i saj profesional ka filluar nĆ« sektorin e shoqĆ«risĆ« civile, me njĆ« fokus tĆ« veƧantĆ« nĆ« politikat rinore. PĆ«rpara se tĆ« bĆ«hej pjesĆ« e sektorit qeveritar, zonja Kongo ka qenĆ« pjesĆ« e organizatave rinore.
Ajo e nisi karrierĆ«n nĆ« sektorin publik duke punuar si koordinatore projekti pranĆ« QendrĆ«s Rinore tĆ« TiranĆ«s nĆ« MinistrinĆ« e MirĆ«qenies Sociale dhe RinisĆ« nĆ« 2015. Nga Shkurti i 2016 e deri nĆ« caktimin si zĆ«vendĆ«sministre nĆ« MASR nĆ« qershor 2020, ajo ka qenĆ« pjesĆ« e BashkisĆ« TiranĆ« nĆ« pozicionin e DrejtoreshĆ«s sĆ« RinisĆ«.Ā
Znj. Kongo ƫshtƫ diplomuar nƫ Shkenca Politike, diplomƫ tre vjeƧare, dhe ka pƫrfunduar dy master, nƫ Komunikim Ndƫrkulturor dhe nƫ Politika dhe Qeverisje Evropiane. Ajo ka gjithashtu njƫ eksperiencƫ mbi dhjetƫ vite nƫ zhvillimin e Politikave Rinore nƫ Shqipƫri.
Pƫrgjegjƫs Komunikimi, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Eneida Daci
Pƫrgjegjƫs Komunikimi, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Eneida Daci Ć«shtĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Komunikimi nĆ« Departamentin e MarrĆ«dhĆ«nieve me Publikun dhe Marketingut pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«. Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Eneida ka punuar nĆ« DrejtorinĆ« e Medias dhe Komunikimit nĆ« BashkinĆ« TiranĆ«, ku ka qenĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«se Sektori, MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie me Publikun, MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie me Mediat.Ā
Prej vitit 2013, Eneida ka qĆ«nĆ« e angazhuar nĆ« fushĆ«n e komunikimit dhe hulumtimit nĆ« media dhe institucione tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri.Ā
Ajo zotĆ«ron Master Shkencor nĆ« Drejtim dhe Menaxhim i Mediave nga Fakulteti Histori-Filologji, Universiteti i TiranĆ«s dhe B.A nĆ« Gazetari dhe Komunikim nga i njĆ«jti Universitet.Ā
Eneida ka punuar si specialiste dhe menaxhere nĆ« media tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri, si dhe ka koordinuar prej vitesh eventin kulturor mĆ« tĆ« madh nĆ« vend, si “Ćmimet Kult”.
Eneida Daci
Pƫrgjegjƫs Komunikimi, Tirana EYC 2022, Kongresi Rinor Kombƫtar
Eneida Daci Ć«shtĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«s Komunikimi nĆ« Departamentin e MarrĆ«dhĆ«nieve me Publikun dhe Marketingut pĆ«r programin Tirana Kryeqyteti Evropian i RinisĆ« (EYC) 2022, pranĆ« Kongresit Rinor KombĆ«tar tĆ« ShqipĆ«risĆ«. Para se tāi bashkohej ekipit EYC 2022, Eneida ka punuar nĆ« DrejtorinĆ« e Medias dhe Komunikimit nĆ« BashkinĆ« TiranĆ«, ku ka qenĆ« PĆ«rgjegjĆ«se Sektori, MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie me Publikun, MarrĆ«dhĆ«nie me Mediat.Ā
Prej vitit 2013, Eneida ka qĆ«nĆ« e angazhuar nĆ« fushĆ«n e komunikimit dhe hulumtimit nĆ« media dhe institucione tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri.Ā
Ajo zotĆ«ron Master Shkencor nĆ« Drejtim dhe Menaxhim i Mediave nga Fakulteti Histori-Filologji, Universiteti i TiranĆ«s dhe B.A nĆ« Gazetari dhe Komunikim nga i njĆ«jti Universitet.Ā
Eneida ka punuar si specialiste dhe menaxhere nĆ« media tĆ« ndryshme nĆ« ShqipĆ«ri, si dhe ka koordinuar prej vitesh eventin kulturor mĆ« tĆ« madh nĆ« vend, si “Ćmimet Kult”.
Treisi Trebicka
Municipality of Tirana
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Ina Bregaj
Municipality of Tirana
Ina Bregaj is graduated in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana, Scientific Master Degree, awarded with Golden Medal. She is now working as an assistant lecturer of Organizational Behavior, Social Business etc, as well she was hired as trainer in the Albanian School of Public Administration. Ina has been very active in CSOās focused on Youth, participating in different activities in Albania, or abroad. During this whole experience she has learned to estimate the power and the potential of youth in society. She is really certain that the motivation is the key of extraordinary activities, as well as the cooperation between the actors of the society, youth, CSOās, local and central authorities, which together will lead to the perfect harmony of Tirana Capital of Youth 2022.
EuroPartners Development (EPD) Ć«shtĆ« njĆ« organizatĆ« Shqiptare e cila ka si mision avancimin e shoqĆ«risĆ« shqiptare drejt njĆ« kulture dhe ndryshimi institucional nĆ« funksion tĆ« Integrimit Evropian – duke siguruar mbĆ«shtetje dhe ekspertizĆ« pĆ«r rritjen e kapaciteteve, informimin, edukimin dhe inkurajimin e institucioneve publike dhe jopublike, tĆ« rinjve dhe komunitetit nĆ« pĆ«rgjithĆ«si pĆ«r pjesĆ«marrje aktive nĆ« demokratizimin, proceset dhe reformat e zhvillimit socio-ekonomik tĆ« vendit. EPD beson se zhvillimi i ShqipĆ«risĆ« Ć«shtĆ« njĆ« proces i vazhdueshĆ«m ngritjesh tĆ« kapaciteteve dhe forcimit tĆ« bashkĆ«punimit midis palĆ«ve tĆ« interesit qĆ« kontribuojnĆ« drejt qĆ«llimeve tĆ« pĆ«rbashkĆ«ta, duke ndjekur interesat pĆ«r zhvillim pĆ«rtej kufijve tĆ« saj dhe veƧanĆ«risht duke pĆ«rfshirĆ« arsimimin e brezave tĆ« ardhshĆ«m.
International Voluntary Projects
International Voluntary Projects is an association established in January 2005. The organization is branch of Service Civil International, an international organization which has branches and partners all over the world. IVP is a very active organization on promoting peace through local and international volunteering, achieving social impact. Its mission is focused on this four main pillars: Peace, intercultural dialogue and understanding; Human Rights, Inclusion and Solidarity; Youth empowerment and youth participation; Volunteering and Community development. The main target groups of the CSOās are Young people, NGOs working with Youth, Schools, teachers, marginalised groups, local government. The actual goal of the CSO is to transfer and adapt international experiences in Albania.
In the last 16 years, IVP is very active at national and international level, it is part of 3 international networks, has around 300 close partners around the world, has organized around 150 international work camps where around 2500 people have contributed in Albania for diverse categories, developed capacities of over 2500 young people, more than 100 partnerships with SCO in Albania and close collaboration with the schools.
The Observatory for Children and Youth Rights
The Observatory for Children and Youth Rights (Observatory) in Albania is a non-governmental entity established in 2009 as a civil society network intended to monitor the situation of children and youth at national and strategic level- and to track the national budget allocated and expenditures performed for them. The Observatory branches are all over the country by having twelve regional offices (one per each region of the country). A qualified and experienced staff located near each locality gives us the possibility to monitor child situation and rights issues up to local level.
Observatory provides a forum for research, debate, education and knowledge exchange on human rights of children, working for realization of human rights through policy, practice, advocacy and reforms. The Observatory mission is to ensure the dignity and well-being of children and youth across Albania through observation, research and analysis, communication and advocacy; by collaborating with other stakeholders/ institutions; and by engaging in public awareness and education campaigns.
Youth for Social Changes
Youth for Social Changes (Y.S.C.), is a youth non-governmental organization working especially with young people with fewer opportunities (with social problems, facing discrimination and social exclusion, coming from rural areas). We provide young people facing various obstacles and challenges an opportunity to develop competences, to inspire each other and to work together on changing their communities. We believe that ALL young people are equal and ALL young people need to be aware of their own value. We work mainly in the following three areas: youth empowerment, human rights and social inclusion.
We believe that the first step of youth empowerment is raising the self-esteem of young people, development of their competences including critical thinking and empowering them to bring their own initiatives, ideas leading to social change. In the context of human rights our goal is to make young people aware of their rights but also their roles in standing for human rights of others. Besides young people we also see importance in cross-sectoral cooperation, working with the communities, media and policy makers, on addressing the youth issues and creating inclusive society e.g. through entrepreneurship. We advocate and run campaigns on human rights.
Youth Act Center
Youth Act Center is founded and legally registered on July 2013. Its mission is to empower youth to take an active role in their lives, family and society. The Centerās vision is empowering the youth as the āengineā of the country development and its philosophy is to provide a center to support individuals, organizations and initiatives that focus on youth employment in Albania.
The Center is led by young people, for young people. Youth Act provides a center to support individuals, organizations and initiatives that focus on youth employment in Albania. Youth Act Center implements projects founded from international and national donators. Youth Act Center is a member of European Youth Card Association and is the official organisation for administration and distribution of European Youth Card in Albania.
Young Men Christian Association
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) in Albania is non-governmental, non-profit organization, Centre, which aim is to empower young people, by assisting and strengthening communitiesā development. YMCA in Albania is a cooperating movement of YMCA Europe and has direct partnership with local YMCAs within World Alliance of YMCAs.
YMCA Tirana/Albania is registered with the Tirana District court in 13.10.2014. It was made up by a group of young professionals, which voluntary have offered different services and humanitarian aids to most vulnerable groups in Albania. The center provides services which address young people and communitiesā needs in the following sectors: health, citizen and community education, environmental, social wellbeing, capacity building, public awareness and promoting their active participation in each step of development. Its aim is to offer to young people opportunities to become leader and to bring changes for developed communities.
United Nations Association Albania
United Nations Association Albania (UNA Albania) is a youth-led, non-profit organization dedicated to informing, inspiring, and mobilizing Albanian youth and Albanian citizens, in general, to support and promote the values and activities of the United Nations. It started as a project in October 2016, when a diverse group of young Albanians passionate about youth engagement and theĀ rationaleĀ of the United Nations, decided to join their endeavors to create and foster a UN youth community in their country.Ā
Through projects such as seminars, workshops, conferences, and simulations of the international decision-making bodies, UNA Albania helps to understand and implement Sustainable Development Goals, and serve as a tool for non-formal education of young people fostering the spirit of cooperation and volunteerism. Active for more than three years, UNA Albania presently includes around 60 (sixty) young volunteers aged between 16-28 years old, who believe that volunteerism is the ultimate exercise in democracy.Ā UNA Albania aims at creating a medium that swiftly shifts from training youth to enabling youth to become change-makers.
From 2018, TRIAD is a creative agency that offers video production (commercials, documentaries, clips), as well as expertise for the implementation of audiovisual ideas and projects. We assist customers according to their requirements, from the conception of the idea to the final realization of the product or service, thus guaranteeing the realization of quality audio-visual products which are completely original and unique. To date, TRIAD has produced a variety of videos for social networks, corporate videos, short films, etc.
TED Center
āTraining, Education and Democracyā Centre is a non-profit organization, without membership, established in 2015. The highest decision-making body is the Board of Directors. The highest administrative body which is also the legal representative of the organization is the Executive Director. TED Center contributes in the field of human rights; respect of the rule of law; research and study; education of democratic and civic values; lobbying and advocacy; and empowering marginalized groups.
The main areas of activity include:
ā¢ Research, studies and reporting on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as in other areas in which the Center extends its activity;
ā¢ Monitoring, documenting, informing, reporting and evaluating the human rights situation, the economic development, the democratization processes in Albania.
ā¢ Ā Education, training and awareness rising activates with main focus on vulnerable groups, regarding democratic institutions and principles, the rule of law, sustainable development and other principles and values integrating towards the European Union, a family in which Albania aspires to becomes part.
Albanian Committee of Medical Students
The STEPS Center is a Non-Profit Organization with the mission of promoting and advocating for human rights, psycho-emotional well-being, youth empowerment, and the development of educational programs.
Some of the main initiatives of the STEPS Center are:
āThe empowerment of women and girls with mental health problems in Tiranaā project, by providing psychological counseling in groups and strengthening their voice in society.
āArtivismā project with a focus on increasing youth activism and advocacy for improving the quality of public transport in Tirana through the use of art as a tool to bring change to society. Activities focused on promoting mental health and psycho-social well-being for young people. STEPS Center experts continuously conduct various information sessions focusing on the well-being of mental health such as: “Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood” , “Management of emotions at an early age” , “Awareness of mental health disorders” , “Performance of the Invisible Theater” etc. Voluntary program Social artistry “Colorful People” in order to social inclusion and improve the emotional state of children with visual impairments at the Institute “Ramazan Kabashi” through social art and art therapy.
Albanian Committee of Medical Students
SOS Children’s Villages Albania is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, a member of the Federation of SOS Children’s Villages, which consists of 136 independent national associations. Since 1995, SOS Children’s Villages Albania has been operating in the field of child protection through the provision of quality family-based care services for children and young people without parental care, as well as in the prevention of community-based support for families at risk for lose parental care. SOS Children’s Villages Albania actively participates in policy making for the target group and advocates for the rights of children and young people without parental care and / or at risk.
SOS Children’s Villages Albania has a qualified and experienced staff in providing quality services and various projects in the fields of protection, education and advocacy for the rights of the child. It works closely with decision-makers, local and central institutions, civil society organizations and social service providers to strengthen capacity, develop appropriate policies and implement support services in practice. SOS Children’s Villages Albania encourages the empowerment and involvement of young people in decision-making processes, because it believes that the active participation of young people promotes the well-being and development of effective programs by bringing positive results for them.
The Macedonian Association āIlindenā-Tirana
The Macedonian Association āIlindenā-Tirana was established on February 6, 2009 in Tirana, Albania, to protect the Macedonian national minority in the Republic of Albania. The basic tasks for the Macedonian association āIlindenā-Tirana are the protection and continuous affirmation of the ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious, historical identity, as well as the heritage of the Macedonian national minority in the Republic of Albania. Since February 2011, the Macedonian Association āIlindenā-Tirana has been publishing the Macedonian newspaper āIlindenā, as well as opened its branch in Golo Brdo on October 15, 2012 in order to be closer to the Macedonian minority in the Golo Brdo area. On May 16, 2015, The Macedonian Association āIlindenā-Tirana became a member of the Federal Union of European Nations (FUEN) based in Flensburg, Germany.
The Regional Youth Cooperation Office
The Regional Youth Cooperation Office is an international organization established by the Western Balkans 6 participants ā Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, which aims to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region through youth exchange programs. We are supporting great ideas! We are promoting reconciliation, trust, cooperation, and dialogue in the Western Balkans through supporting and funding projects which bring youth of the region together.
Young Professionals Network
Young Professionals Network aims to empower young Albanian professionals through networking, protection of labor rights and increasing their participation in the economic, political and social life of the country. The network functions as a platform for cooperation between professionals in various fields and has three priority areas: Empowerment of young professionals and capacity building; Local and regional networking and training; Civic Engagement and Advocacy for Democracy.
The establishment of the Young Professionals Network in Albania has been one of the recommendations of several meetings and reports held for young people in Albania and is in line with some of the goals of the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027 specifically in Connecting EU with Youth; Equality of All Genders; Inclusive Societies; Information & Constructive Dialogue; Moving Rural Youth Forward; Quality Employment for All; Quality Learning; Space and Participation for All; Youth Organizations & European Programs contributing in this way to increase the quality of life of young professionals in Albania, reduce migration and positively influence the process of Albania’s integration in the EU. Considering the mission and the work of the network, our main motto is “Cooperation is our greatest strength”.
Youth Voice
āYouth Voiceā network of organizations is a network of organizations initially established with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as part of the global campaign on the inclusion of youth in the 2030 sustainable development global agenda. The network has established a sustainable partnership with the United Nations in Albania (UN), through active participation in awareness raising campaigns on health, educaiton, gender equality issues, innovation, employment, promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for all, and strengthening regional and global partnerships for sustainable development.
This partnerhsip between UN Albania and the network aims at reaching young people and most vulnerable groups to provide them with an opportunity to have access to the adequate means, services and skills which will enable fulfillment of their full potential. This network is composed of youth organizations and clubs specialized in various fields according to CSOās mission. The organizations have networked with each other implementing various activities at national level since October 2014. Some of the specific programs and services implemented and offered by the “Voice of Youth” network are: Comprehensive sexual education; Human rights and gender equality; Empowerment and participation of young people.
Roma Active Albania
Roma Active Albania (RAA) is a CSO, established in April 2006. The vision of RAA is to contribute in the empowerment of Roma, which will change the situation of Roma by fighting against exclusion. RAA lobbies and advocates for Roma issues at the local, national and international levels, and it is specialized in addressing issues, conducting analysis and developing new methods and strategies to combat Roma exclusion in Albania and Europe.
RAA supports the empowerment of women and youth. The European Commission has honored the CSO with the “EU Award for Roma Inclusion in the Western Balkans & Turkey 2014”, in support of Roma social inclusion. (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-1064_en.htm). Roma Active Albania has successfully implemented the Regional project “Joint Initiative for the Empowerment of Roma Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, and for several years has been organizing the Campaign “The Most Friendly Mayor with the Roma in the Western Balkans and Turkey”. RAA is currently implementing a European Union-funded regional project “Roma Women, the Power of Change in the Western Balkans and Turkey”, which focuses on supporting and empowering Roma women and youth in the Western Balkans and Turkey. Also, for the second year in a row, RAA has been entrusted by the European Commission to organize the “EU Award for Roma Integration”, which for 2021 is dedicated to those institutions or individuals who have contributed or are now contributing to the employment of Roma.
Youth for Integration, Activation and Awareness
RIAS, (Youth for Integration, Activation and Awareness) is a non-profit organization that aims to raise awareness among Albanian youth to face and act to the problems they face. Albanian youth today face great challenges of integration into the social, political and economic life of the country. As a crucial part of the energy, of the Albanian society, it is up to the youth to take civil initiatives related to the right to information, human rights, the right to work and the right to ensure a better quality of life through honest work.
There are three main pillars where RIAS focuses its work:
1 – Civic engagement of young people focused on activating the younger generation in solving and facing the challenges of Albanian youth. Through our initiatives, we aim to promote, activate, and create new opportunities to increase the capacity of Albanian youth.
2- Education of Albanian youth. Albanian youth increasingly face problems related to their educational and academic background.
3. Creating models of cooperation of youth organizations as opportunities for employment and self-employment
Center āHealth, Art, Sports, Tourism, and Educationā (HASTE) is an organization with the focus on youth. HASTE was established in 2020 and consists of a group (pool) of 37 experts, specialized in various fields such as: doctors, teachers, researchers, engineers, journalists, and psychologists. The center aims to contribute to young people for the preservation and development of universal human values. It aims to raise awareness among young people about common natural resources by increasing their sense of responsibility for each other. The Center raises awareness in the fields of health, education, sports, and tourism.
PRO ~YOUTH organization was created by youngsters from different background on 2014 and we are part of youth initiative in Albania.Ā Pro ~ Youth support youth initiatives, social solidarity value, voluntarism work, human right, mobility of the youth, and citizenship imitative Ā in order to promote the youth voice and to bring closer them with the integration process of the country in European Union. The mission of the organization is the emancipation of the youth with supporting them with right commitment Ā and action in order to promote the social solidarity the human rights, active participation in the life of the public institution in local and executive institution level, to promote the mutual understanding in society, to promote the European value and the youth exchange participation, to rise the right for education for each person, to rise the right for more integration Ā of the marginalized communities (rural areas community, roma community etc.)
Pro Youth aims activity: to help all the young people with social and economic difficulties, to rise and to give information for a healthy society and to promote the best practice of the active citizenship initiative that develop the society as a fundamental tools of the democracy in nowadays. We promote the EU agenda for the Western Balkans as integral part for a successful integration of Albania and the region in the European Union. Our target groups are young people from 16 -35 years old, special focus are the young people who encounter difficulty in life, such as: exclusion, economic problems, health problems, youngsters from rural areas. Pro ~Youth has implemented over 10 projects in local level and European level mostly on topic of active participation, inclusion, no hate speech, active citizenship, and empowerment of youngsters with fewer opportunities. Main activities we have implemented are: campaigns, exhibitions, seminars, youth exchanges, trainings, flash mobs, conferences, workshops, fairs, round table to discuss about European Institutions, rights and responsibilities of citizens etc.Ā
Partners Albania for Change and Development
āPartners Albania for Change and Developmentā is an Albanian organization with twenty years of experience combining local knowledge with innovative tools and techniques, to build platforms for several actors: communities, civil society organizations, government and business. The aim is to facilitate participatory processes, to advance constructive change towards sustainable development. Partners Albania is a member ofĀ Partners Network, a partnership of 22 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change.
Partners Albania is also a member of several European and regional networks. PA has organized its interventions into four key programmatic areas:
a) Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development of Civil Society
b) Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
c) Philanthropic Activity and Support Infrastructure
d) Transparent and Accountable Participatory Governance
The Open Society Foundation for Albania
The Open Society Foundation for Albania is part of the network of Open Society Foundations founded by philanthropist George Soros. The activity of the Foundation dates back to the beginning of 1991, in support of free speech and media, as an influential and transformative instrument for an open and democratic society.
After 1994, the Open Society Foundation for Albania formalized the activity with the establishment of its office in Albania. The activity was extended to several areas through strategic support for increasing the access and quality of public education, the health system, guaranteeing human rights, supporting marginalized groups, consolidating the rule of law and Albanianās European Integration. Open Society Foundations work to builds consolidated and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.
Open Mind Spectrum Albania
Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA) is an Albanian non-governmental organization established in 2013 with main focus of its work being community work and advocacy for the LGBTIQ+ communities of Albania. It is a human rights organization that aspires to co-create an inclusive society for all Albanians, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, age, social status and health status.
Organizationās main programs:
1. LGBTI Civic Engagement Program: Politics and Representation for the Advancement of the Rights of the LGBTI Community in Albaniaāā, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and other stakeholders; with the aim of increasing the civic and political engagement of the LGBTIQ+ community in Albania.
2. Artivism Program – for vulnerable groups, especially LGBTIQ+ individuals, using the methodology to infiltrate the mainstream discourse.
3. I AM YOUR CHILD GROUP – Families and friends of LGBTI in Albania! With the mission of the harmonization of relations between parents (mothers and fathers) and their LGBTI children, and unconditional equality promotion of LGBTI citizens in the society’s life with psychological support, and advocacy of their rights.
LIBURNETIK is a dynamic and multicultural youth CSO. The main focus is the education, the orientation and mentoring of young people. In the development of its activity, LIBURNETIK aims the development of youth within the society, on improving the social life through the implementation of projects and actions, based on values of active citizenship. The prerogative of LIBURNETIK focuses on respecting and promoting Human Rights and the good will and value to cohabit in a healthy and peaceful society.
Upon achieving these objectives, LIBURNETIK places its interventions in order to strengthen young people through programs for the development of critical thinking, soft skills and activism, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Last, but not least, LIBURNETIK has as its macro-objective, consisting of an irreversible triangle, composed by the Development of territory, Youth Employment and Decent work, by linking non-profit realities with cooperatives, social enterprises in order to go towards a social business approach and sustainable development.
Albanian Committee of Medical Students
āLevizAlbaniaā is a project which aims to strengthen the local democracy in Albania through the engagement of civil society actors and individuals as the āchampionsā of democracy. LevizAlbania is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by a consortium of three successful Albanian organizations, “Open Society Foundation for Albania”, “Partners Albania for Change and Development” and “Co-PLAN”.
LevizAlbania supports local democracy across the country by cultivating a community based civil society, which increases the demand for good governance in local level, through Comprehensive decision making, Supervision of local government, Transparency etc,. āRapid Responseā is another important instrument of LevizAlbania project, as an opportunity to address the required intervention through civic actions, through a simplified procedure, in order to respond in time and regarding the best interest. Furthermore, LevizAlbania undertakes strategic projects and national-level advocacy to enable a suitable environment for an improved and sustained local democracy.
LDA Balkan
LDA Balkan is a regional non-profit, non-governmental organization run by young professionals, focused on leadership, democracy, good governance, entrepreneurship, technology & innovation, professional growth, and many management areas. We work towards empowering citizenship education and creating an equal society in Balkan.
Junior Achievement of Albania
Junior Achievement of Albania (JA Albania) is an Albanian NGO established in 2012, as an investment of the Albanian-American Development Foundation, with the aim of implementing programs of entrepreneurship education, finance literacy and work readiness of youth in the Albanian educational system.
Since 2018, due to its work and persistence, JAA programs are present full scale in the Albanian pre university education system. JAA educational programs are part of the core curricula form preschool to 12th grade, through a dedicated chapter to financial and entrepreneurial education in āCitizenshipā 1-8 subject, integrated part of the āEconomy 12ā subject and in the elective curricula through is elective modules āStudentsā companyā and āJob shadowā offered to 11th and 12th graders all over Albania.
JAA is an accredited training agency for teachers of the Pre-university education in Albania. It is a member of Junior Achievement Worldwide and JAA Europe networks, founding member of ANFE ā Albanian Network for Financial Education and of IDEA ā International Debate Education Association.
Research and Development Institute Wisdom
“Research and Development Institute Wisdom” is an independent, research, scientific, non-profit institution, without membership, in support of the University College “Wisdom” established in October 2015. The mission of the Foundation is to contribute to the development of scientific research, to the deepening of knowledge in the field of law, economic and social sciences through implementation regional, national and international projects. The goal and focus of the RDIW is to support the Youth, Women, and Marginalized groups.
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania – IRCA is a non-governmental organization established on July 1st 2011, in Tirana by a young group of highly educated Roma working on Youth Empowerment, Advocacy and Participation and promoting Roma identity and cultural heritage.
The members of IRCA are committed Roma university students and graduates. IRCAās work relies very much on the principles of voluntarism and self-help. Combination of advocacy with educational activities has led to establishment of three youth networks including Romani Youth Council, Romani Corps of Volunteers as well as Romani Youth Parliament – Forum. Most of IRCAās activity is also featured in an online radio program entitled āFOLāARTā Radio.
Together Albania ā Foundation
Together Albania ā Foundation (FTA) mission is to protect and improve the psycho-social well-being of Albanian youth and of the Albanian population, to enable them to become active members of the society. Our organization supports policies which guarantee human rights in offering specialized services regarding care and protection of youthās mental health and of marginalized groups of the society. In 2016, FTA has launched its online counseling platform for youth www.nukjevetem.al and has offered up to now direct support for more than 10,000 Albanian youth and for many others has raised awareness and has offered education in regards to seeking help for mental health problems.
EU Policy Hub
āEU Policy Hubā is a forum established in 2015, with the aim to engage young professionals in promoting, monitoring the progress and exerting influence on the countryās integration process into European structures. The Forumās mission is to contribute to the creation of synergies for the European Integration of the country through the establishment and functioning of a structure of young professionals who inform, influence and monitor the progress of the process.
Therefore, EU Policy Hub aims to serve as a platform for exchanging ideas and improving the process. It will liaise with relevant local and regional actors, fueling a public debate on the opening of Albaniaās accession negotiations with the European Union.
ECO-PartnersĀ for sustainable Development (ECO-Partners) is a non-governmental organization. The mission of the CSO is to promote sustainable development in Albania through fostering integrated environmental management, by raising environmental awareness among decision makers and wide public, on the sustainable use and management of the natural resources, providing expertise on environmental matters related to climate change; by supporting the raise of capacities, informing, educating and encouraging the public, the non-public institutions and the community, for active and responsible participation in environmental decision making.
Albanian Committee of Medical Students
Down Syndrome Albania Foundation (DSA) was established in 2013. DSA advocates for the rights and needs of people with intellectual disabilities in Albania and provides therapeutic services for children with disabilities or other development challenges. DSA conducts social autonomy programs for young people and adults aged 13-25 with intellectual disabilities together with other young people and also projects where it raises awareness of young people on human rights.
DSA is a member of Global Down Syndrome Foundation, European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA), European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), Down Syndrome International (DSI) and Down Syndrome Association of Delaware.
Center Progress And Development
The center āProgress & Developmentā is a non for profit, non-governmental and voluntary based CSO. The philosophy of the CPD is to empower young people to become more critical, active and responsible citizens. The CPD aspiration is to foster among young people a sense of responsibility, autonomy and achievement. The overall goal of the center is to achieve sustainable development for all groups in society, especially for excluded and marginalized young people. The Center will promote and support policies and practices that lead to the growth of social, economic and environmental justice as a basis for development and prosperity.
Cooperation and Development Institute
Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI) is a Think Tank based in Tirana ā Albania. Established in 2000, CDI is a politically independent, not for profit and non-governmental organization. CDIās mission is to improve the quality of public policy with open and fact-based research, analysis, inclusive debate, and targeted outreach and advocacy.
Through applied research, round-tables, forums, publicationsĀ andĀ other public events,Ā CDI promotes aĀ unique discussionĀ foraĀ for professionals and citizen interestedĀ and workingĀ in improving the quality of evidence-basedĀ policyĀ makingĀ in Albania and in the SEE6 region. CDIās work isĀ organizedĀ under threeĀ main programmeĀ areas such: āGood Governanceā, āEU and Connectivityā and āYouth and Societyā and its Flagship Initiatives such as āWestern Balkans Youth Cooperation Platformā, āShtetiWebā, āObservatory of Regional Cooperationā and āConnect with EUā. CDI is the organizer of āTirana Connectivity Forumā – the only such event covering connectivity, reforms and enlargement in the South Eastern Europe region. CDI is also a member of the National Council of European Integration, the highest national advisory structure regarding European Integration process in Albania set up by the Parliament of Albania.
Albanian Initiative for Development
The mission of this CSO is to promote and create a society with endless possibilities for the development and empowerment of every human category through integration, promotion, protection and support. We are determined to improve standards and quality of developments in the social, economic and cultural spectrum throughout many local activities.
Meanwhile, our vision is to provide quality research, adequate legal expertise, and assist in initiatives for the development of several fields of public interest while preserving and promoting Albanian cultural identity through revival of Albanian values and traditions. We want to promote gender equality values, to strengthen and increase the welfare of national minorities. We aim to impact the quality of the health system, to support the private sector in Albania, to promote the local business of agriculture, help with the preservation of environmental biodiversity, enhance the protection of national natural values, promote and develop the domestic tourism, etc.
Academy of Political Studies
Established in 2009 under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the Academy of Political Studies (APS) offers an effective and flexible mechanism on empowering the political dialogue, leadership capacities and contribution of civic and political leaders in democratic transformation agenda in Albania. ASPās activities align in two crucial directions: training and capacity building, as well as contribution in democratic processes in Albania.
APS is the responsible body for the organisation of the āAlbanian School of Political Studiesā, thus it is part of a wider Council of Europe network of schools of political studies established since 1992 with the view to train future generations of political, economic, social and cultural leaders in countries in transition. The Schoolās programme provides for another important dimension, the one related to its School alumniās network. Thirteen generations of participants of the School (over 300 members) are part of the Alumni Network contributing with their professional expertise in achievement of the mission of APS.
Other programs designed and implemented by the APS aim to foster the public dialogue and participation in sectors as elections, local governance, sustainable development, environment, in view of fostering the European integration process and democratic reforms in Albania. From 2010, APS has extended its portfolio in offering targeted training/assistance to local government officials in a number of good government/development aspects.
The main objectives of ACMS are: the improvement of medical education in Albania through advocacy and professional assistance; raising awareness on public health issues, especially regarding mental health and reproductive health; fighting stigma and discrimination on reproductive and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; human rights activism; womenās rights; social justice and peace in-between communities. During two years of activity, ACMS has implemented a wide range of activities of interest for medical students and youth in Albania and it has successfully managed to keep being active, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through online conferences, webinars, workshops and online campaigns, ACMS has been continuously present to students and is steadily growing.
Act for Society
āAct for Societyā CSO was established in January 2012. āAct for Societyā missionĀ isĀ to enhanceĀ the healthy lifestyles and stimulate the sustainable development of society. Its work consists on advocating for democracy and human right issues, promoting culture, connecting youth, stimulating the active participation of young people in the social life and decision-making processes, both in local and national level.
āAct for Societyā Centre believes in the power of change.Ā It aims at making this change happen throughĀ new, creative, and effective strategies and initiatives.Ā The main focus of the CSOās projects are gender equality, human rights, youth participation, violence and extremism.
Albanian Committee of Medical Students
The Albanian Committee of Medical Students (ACMS) is a non-governmental youth organization, founded in 2019 by the students of the Faculty of Medicine, Tirana. On the same year, ACMS attained candidate membership as an NMO (National Member Organization) in IFMSA, the International Federation of Medical Studentsā Associations, a federation made of organizations representing more than 120 countries all over the world. This way ACMS became the only official representative of IFMSA in Albania and it has ever since implemented the mission and vision, the structure and policy of IFMSA.
The main objectives of ACMS are: the improvement of medical education in Albania through advocacy and professional assistance; raising awareness on public health issues, especially regarding mental health and reproductive health; fighting stigma and discrimination on reproductive and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; human rights activism; womenās rights; social justice and peace in-between communities. During two years of activity, ACMS has implemented a wide range of activities of interest for medical students and youth in Albania and it has successfully managed to keep being active, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through online conferences, webinars, workshops and online campaigns, ACMS has been continuously present to students and is steadily growing.
Jonid Jorgji
Filmmaker from Albania
Jonid Jorgji is a filmmaker from Albania. After he graduated from Art Academy in Tirana, he started working in Media for several years. Jonid, produced some famous TV Shows and media content in Albania from 2010 to 2019. He is well known in the film industry as a producer and director of films and documentaries and also he is the Chairman of Young Albanian Filmmakers Association over ten years. In 2019, he is been part of a well-known leadership programme (Lead Albania) and had the opportunity to create and develop many projects in the Municipality of Tirana. He has completed an Executive Education in Harvard Kennedy School for Leadership and Character in Uncertain Times and now he works as Advisor of the Mayor of Tirana.